You have to wonder if 11 big bedroom bad feng shui

The bedroom is the longest place in the home space where people stay for the longest night. The feng shui of the bedroom has become very important. If you accidentally enter the bad feng shui bedroom, your nightmare will have to be repeated. Let's take a look at the eleven big bedrooms that you have to be unaware of. The bad feng shui makes things difficult for you. Early detection and early changes will change your life.

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First, the shape of the bedroom is hypotenuse or polygonal shape.

Oblique edges can easily cause illusions in the line of sight. Polygons are prone to oppression, thus increasing people's mental burden and prone to illness and accidents in the long run.

Second, the bedroom is dark

Bedrooms should have windows. In addition to the circulation of air, daylight can be used to make people more happy. In the evening, windows should be equipped with curtains to block outdoor light and make it easier for people to sleep.

Third, the toilet into a bedroom

The overall construction of the modern building pipelines, so the entire building toilets are located in the same place. If the toilet is changed to a bedroom, it will inevitably cause sleeping in the toilets on the upper floor and the lower floor. The toilet is a damp, unclean place. It is bound to affect the environmental hygiene. Starting on the toilet and water pipes will definitely affect your peace, so it will hurt people's physical and mental health.

Fourth, the door to the door

The bedroom is a place for rest. It needs quietness and privacy. The door is a place where family and friends must go in and out, so the door to the door does not meet the quiet conditions of the bedroom. The entrance of the door to the door can easily affect health and wealth.

Fifth, the door is facing the bathroom

The toilet is a place for human beings to excrete. It is prone to produce helium and moisture. Therefore, it is affecting the air in the bedroom and harmful to human health.

6. The door is facing the kitchen or adjacent to the kitchen

Frying and frying in kitchen stoves and expelling soot can easily affect the right door, endanger human health, and make work performance unstable. The kitchen is a place of fire, it is hot, so it should not be adjacent to the bedroom, especially the bed close to the stove wall.

Seven, the door to the mirror

The mirror has a reflective effect, and it can reflect the helium back in feng shui, so it can stop fiercely. But the mirror will be facing the door and the fierce shot will be taken into the bedroom, causing bad luck.

Eight, mirrors and floor-to-door windows to the bed

The mirror is used to stop the cockroach. The function is to reflect the cockroach back so it is not possible to bed. Especially when people wake up from their sleep, when they are not very clear, they are easily scared of themselves in the mirror or in the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Nine, bed or headboard against the main door

The most important thing to do when sleeping is safety, quietness and stability. The door is the only way to get in and out of the room, so the door cannot be right on the bed or on the headboard. Otherwise people on the bed are prone to lack of security and are detrimental to health.

Tenth, bedside close to the window

The window is the place where qi comes in and out, so it is easy for the headboard to be close to the window. People on the bed can't see the window on their heads, which makes them vulnerable to lack of security, causing mental stress and affecting their health.

Eleventh, the bed under the crossbar

It is better to have a ceiling without a beam. Beams are psychologically prone to feel heavy, especially when people sleep under the beams and feel great pressure, causing mental oppression and affecting health and career.

Bedroom Feng Shui Home Feng Shui Space Effect Picture Window Bedside Feng Shui Toilet Home Door Overall Toilet Bathroom Door Bathroom Feng Shui Bedroom

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