Symptoms Rape is a phosphorus-loving crop that requires more than twice as much phosphorus as cereal crops. In the absence of phosphorus, the plants are short, slow in growth, delayed in leaves, small in leaf surface, dark green in color, lack of luster, purple-red spots or plaques on the edges, and veins on the petioles and leaves on the back of the leaves become purple-red; The number of pods and 1000-grain weight decreased significantly, and the oil yield decreased. According to the hydroponic test, if the leaves of rapeseed begin to lack phosphorus, the leaves of rapeseed are small and the leaves are small. They can only be convulsions, can not be firm, and the particles are not harvested. Phosphorus deficiency begins in the five-leaf stage, yield is reduced, only phosphorus nutrition 0.44% of the normal supply; phosphorus deficiency began at the ten-leaf stage, and the output increased significantly, which was 27.8% of the normal supply of phosphorus nutrition.
Remedial measures: Phosphorus deficiency at the seedling stage, using 25 to 30 kg of superphosphate to drill or apply water to the per-acre. The earlier the effect is better, the later use of 1% superphosphate leaching solution can be sprayed.
Author: Yutang Wang
Source: Dongping County Agriculture Committee, Shandong Province
Remedial measures: Phosphorus deficiency at the seedling stage, using 25 to 30 kg of superphosphate to drill or apply water to the per-acre. The earlier the effect is better, the later use of 1% superphosphate leaching solution can be sprayed.
Author: Yutang Wang
Source: Dongping County Agriculture Committee, Shandong Province
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