Carbon dioxide is considered one of the culprits in global warming, but it is not entirely useless. French researchers have recently developed a technology that uses carbon dioxide to efficiently produce methanol.
Researchers at the Sacret Institute of Radiation Materials under the French Atomic Energy Commission first hydrogenated carbon dioxide to form formic acid, and then used rare metal antimony as a catalyst to convert formic acid to methanol. The rate of formation was as high as 50%.
In 2013, a team of experts from the University of Washington developed a catalyst for the conversion of formic acid to methanol based on rare metal cerium. However, on the one hand, the price of cesium is extremely high; on the other hand, the production rate of methanol using this catalyst is only 2%.
French researchers chose cerium-based catalysts when catalyzing formic acid to methanol. The price of plutonium is only one tenth of plutonium, which greatly reduces the cost of production. At the same time, the methanol production rate is as high as 50%. (Reporter Zhang Xuefei)
Boron Nitrate,Boron Fertilizer,Calcium Boron Fertilizer,Boron Nitrogen Fertilizer