"AlphaGo" finally defeated Li Shishi 4:1 and was promoted to AlphaGo nine. I once had a Chinese netizen asking, won the game under Go, what about playing mahjong? In this regard, Feng Jianfeng, the chief scientist of Shanghai Brain Science and Artificial Intelligence Major Project, replied: “Not necessarily.†The reason is that in addition to the calculable data, Mahjong more reflects the psychology and emotions of people in the game, as well as luck. The structure and algorithm it relies on only simulates some of the primary functions of the human brain, but it does not involve emotions, decisions, attention, creativity, and so on.
Does the robot have emotions? When they have emotions, can they use the deep learning ability like AlphaGo to learn human language, can they become masters like Shakespeare? American inventor and famous futurist Ray Kuzwell believes that by 2029, computers will be able to match enemy intelligence and even defeat humans. The key secret is that computers will have emotions and personalities.
CNN describes Kuzwell's vision of the future of artificial intelligence and technology. He said that the computer that he said reached the level of human intelligence, not referring to logical intelligence, but a feeling of love, which is the frontier of human wisdom. In this regard, astrophysicist Neil De Grasse Tyson asks, one day, can a computer write a novel that won the Nobel Prize in Literature? Will they replace humans in this exclusive human aspect?
Kutzwell believes that this is not the case. He predicts that humans will combine with machine intelligence, that is, using a cell-sized nano-robot that will enter the human brain, connect the human brain to the global Internet, and enable humans to download it from the Internet. Various skills into the mind. People can also cure diseases by editing genes like writing computer code. This kind of nano-robot in the brain can also create a new body feeling. Just as people use music to delight their ears and stimulate their taste buds with food, we will create works and habits for other senses.
However, in this prediction of the future, will there be inequality? Will having a super brain and a healthy body become a patent for the rich? Kutzwell believes that this will happen in a certain period of time, just as a mobile phone was once only available to the rich, and so is the technology. Industrialization has made mass consumer goods increasingly perfect, and technology is inevitably getting cheaper. As computer manufacturers continue to increase the number of chips on the board, the price/performance of information technology is doubling every year. In the end, everyone can get nano-robots, and these technologies will be popular.
Kuzwell also believes that artificial intelligence may take away the work of many people in the future, but he is still optimistic about the future work of mankind, although it is still not certain what special work humans will turn to. After all, in 1910, no one could predict that there would be work like computer chip designers and web developers.
Concerned about surprises
The GCN40SP and Gfn3490 gas-actuated concrete nailer is a portable fastener tool for attaching light-duty fixtures to concrete, steel, concrete block (CMU), lightweight concrete over metal deck, and cold-formed steel. As a magazine tool, GCN40SP is ideal for attaching drywall track, furring strips, hat track and angle track using GDP and GDPS collated pins.
GCN40SP offers you the flexibility of having two tools in one convenient package - a magazine tool and a single-shot tool, since the magazine is easily removed without additional assembly tools. As a single-shot tool, the GCN40SP is great for attaching mechanical, electrical and plumbing fixtures with pre-assembled pins/accessories such as washer pins, ceiling clips, tophats and threaded studs. The pre-assembled pins for the single-shot tool use 0.300"-headed fasteners with 0.125"-diameter shanks for stronger fastening performance.
Both the single-shot and magazine tool offer portability without the need for cords or hoses, and are actuated with FC165 gas fuel cells.
Key Features
Power to drive 0.125"-diameter pins
Flexibility to drive 1/2" to 1 1/2" pins
Flexibility to drive 0.250" and 0.300" dia. headed pins
Pin-depth adjustment dial
Battery charge indicator light
Comfortable [sure-grip" rubber handle and ladder hook
Easy start-up procedure: Insert fuel cell, insert battery, load pins, and begin use
Minimum Cleaning Required
The GCN40SP has a very efficient ignition system that provides complete fuel combustion. This results in a cleaner operating tool, which, in turn, results in more tool energy and higher productivity. To maintain maximum level of productivity, periodic cleaning is recommended.
Only requires cleaning every 20,000 shots
Easy access to the air filter and piston chamber
Direct Fastening
Gas-Actuated Fastening
Gas Fastening System Accessories
Gas Fastening System Accessories,Plating Thread Paper Row Nail ,Paper Collated 34 Degree Ring Galvanized Strip Nails ,Gas Gun
Yibin Heheng Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.chinadirectfastening.com