The small larvae of the larvae are mainly fruits such as pears, apples, sand fruits, sea otters, and mountain stators. After the larvae are fruit, they are harmful in the shallow layer under the peel. Generally, they do not penetrate deep into the heart. The skin of the affected part becomes brown and chapped, forming a nearly round cognac of about 1 cm, and a small amount of fine-grained faeces is attached to the sputum.
Morphological characteristics
Adult: body length 4.5 ~ 4.8mm, gray-black, with a purple luster, wingspan 8 ~ 11mm. There are 7 to 9 white short twill on the front edge of the fore wing, and the rear wing is taupe.
Eggs: oblate, translucent, milky white, later turned into brownish brown.
Larva: The mature larvae are 7mm in length and have two pink horizontal stripes on the back of the body from 3 to 8 knots. The wintering larva turns into apricot yellow.
蛹: Brown, about 5mm long.
Living habit
Two generations a year, the old larvae in the cracks of the bark for wintering. In the following year, apples fell for more than ten days (mid-late May). Adults begin to appear, and the eggs are produced on the surface of the fruit or on the back of the leaves. It hatches for 5 to 7 days and the larvae break into the shallow layers of the peel. From late June to early July, the mature larvae emerged from the fruit, sneaked into the bark cracks for phlegm and phlegm, and the second generation adults emerged in early August. The adult continued to spawn and breed. In late August, the mature larvae began to take off the fruit and climbed into the branches and crevices for wintering.
1. In the early spring, scrape the bark and brush the cracks to kill some of the wintering larvae.
Spraying in the middle and late 2.6 months, spraying once every 12 days, even spraying 3 to 4 times, using 2000 times of parathion or 1000 times of chlorpyrifos, which can kill eggs and kill the newly hatched larvae. .
3. Remove the insect fruit to prevent it from continuing to multiply and expand.
More pesticide knowledge , please pay attention to China Pesticide Network
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