Exploring the Features of Medical Implant Devices Titanium has many useful features including low specific gravity, half that of nickel, excellent corrosion resistance and strength, high biocompatibility, and non-magnetic properties useful for MRI application. With these advantageous features, titanium is an optimum material for medical prosthetic devices. To accommodate the wide range of increasing needs, Daido Steel has established a manufacture-logistics streaming system from raw material procurement to sales and distribution which is available for multiple products and small-lot. Applications Classification Parts Name Material Implant Artificial hip joint Stem, cup Pure titanium round bar Titanium alloy round bar Artificial hip joint Pure titanium round bar Titanium alloy round bar Fracture fixation Plate, screw Pure titanium round bar Titanium alloy round bar Titanium alloy wire rod Artificial heart Housing, case Pure titanium round bar Artificial heart valve Frame Titanium alloy round bar Density Artificial dental root Titanium alloy round bar Jig Handpiece Pure titanium round bar Dentition fixation Splint Surgery Cerebral aneurysm Clip Titanium alloy round bar Brace Titanium alloy round bar Catheter guide wire Ni-Ti alloy wire rod Fracture surgery Bolts Pure titanium wire rod Body Sup. Parts for artificial arms/hands/legs Titanium investment-castings