1. According to the actual use of conditions to determine the steam inlet and outlet pressure drop. Steam trap inlet pressure is due to fluctuations in steam pressure or temperature regulating valve throttling, steam trap inlet minimum working pressure; steam trap outlet pressure refers to the steam trap may form the highest back pressure When discharged into the atmosphere, the actual pressure difference is determined by the steam trap inlet pressure. 2. According to the amount of condensate generated by the steam heating equipment during normal operation, multiply by the correction factor k and select it according to the displacement of steam traps. 3. The amount of condensate can be calculated as follows: (1) The amount of condensate generated during pipeline operation Q = q0L (1-Z /%) (kg / h), where Q is the volume of condensate (kg / h) : Condensate generated by the light pipe Pressure reducing valve (kg / h) L: distance between hydrophobic points (m) Z: thermal insulation efficiency (%) (2) Condensation water generated during steam heating operation Q = VrC △ T / Ht, where Q is the amount of condensate (kg / h) V is the volume of the heated object (m3) r is the density of the heated object Solenoid valve C is the specific heat of the fluid (kcal / kg .OC) △ T: liquid temperature rise (OC) H: latent heat of steam (kcal / kg) t: heating time 4. The values ​​of the selected correction coefficient K for common operating conditions are recommended in Table 1 below. 5. Various types of steam traps structure and principle is different, different performance fluids, when used according to different occasions, choose different steam traps.