In our country, domestic sewage in many schools and residential areas is discharged directly without any treatment, causing some pollution to the local environment and groundwater sources! Governance issues are pressing. Foreign technology solutions, often large-scale investment. Is there any suitable way to reduce the energy consumption for China's national conditions? Chinese experts have already achieved results. Recently, the reporter interviewed the project chief of design, "the sixth Earth Award" Dr. Zhang Fu, an environmental expert from the General Armament Department of People's Liberation Army Engineering Design and Research Institute. He believes that the use of ecological technology to treat sewage can be purified water, conservation of water, landscaping and other effects. Shijiazhuang Mechanized Infantry College first applied this technology. According to the college's topographical conditions, Zhang Tong proposed the ecological pond treatment system. It refers to the use of some suitable ponds, through different working principles or purification mechanism, removal of organic matter processing system. Zhang Tong said that the treatment system consists of sewage collection ponds, biological filters, aquatic ponds, constructed wetlands, health ponds and twelve waterfall eco-parks, which are mainly divided into sewage collection and pretreatment, ecological treatment, sludge and waste Disposal and ecological landscape reuse four parts. First of all, the domestic sewage discharged from various places is collected in a pool after sedimentation. Pool pool sedimentation of sewage, coarse filtration and other pretreatment, the main equipment by the mechanical grille and submersible sewage pump. Sewage from the pool collection by the pump upgrade, followed by biological filters, aquatic ponds and constructed wetlands for purification. Biofilter biofilm adsorption through the surface of the pebble filter material, degradation of organic pollutants in the sewage; aquatic plant pond planted with water onions, water lilies, cattails, reeds and other emergent plants, as well as green plants and other floating Shen Water plants, through the complex ecosystem of advanced treatment of organic pollutants in water; artificial wetlands also planted a variety of aquatic plants, the sewage for further processing. Processed water into the health pond has been crystal clear, fully meet the needs of fish, duck. From here, the water is lifted to the mountain by the pump and goes down the ravine along the ravine. On the mountain, there are twelve ecological lakes with different drops, which are further treated with ecological effects. Zhang Tong emphasized that this treatment project has basically realized ecological treatment. Without chemical agents, the energy consumption is close to zero and the amount of sludge generated is small. After the ecological treatment of sewage is used to beautify the landscape, greening the environment, washing vehicles, fire fighting and groundwater recharge and other aspects, to achieve the water recycling. After nearly a year of actual operation, this project shows many advantages: the daily sewage treatment capacity of 3,000 tons, the water to meet the landscape water standards. Simple process and management, sewage treatment without the need for external power, without any chemical additives, the entire system operation and management only two people. It is estimated that the operating cost per ton of water treatment is 0.14 yuan, only 1/3 of the conventional biochemical treatment.