Procurement valves must clearly indicate the eight major technical issues

Valve procurement only a clear specification, type, pressure to meet the procurement requirements of the practice in the current market economy environment is imperfect. Because the valve manufacturer in order to compete for the product, each in the valve under the concept of a unified design, different innovations, formed their own corporate standards and product personality. Therefore, when the valve procurement more detailed technical requirements, and manufacturers to obtain consensus, as the annex to the valve procurement contract is necessary. 1, General requirements 1.1 Valve specifications and categories should be consistent with the requirements of the pipeline design documents. 1.2 The type of valve should be marked on the basis of the national standard number requirements. If the enterprise standard, should indicate the relevant description of the model. 1.3 The working pressure of the valve, the required working pressure ≥ pipe, without affecting the price under the premise of the valve can withstand the working pressure should be greater than the actual pipeline pressure; valve off any side should be able to withstand 1.1 times the valve pressure Value without leakage; valve open condition, the valve body should be able to withstand the pressure twice the valve requirements. 1.4 valve manufacturing standards should be based on the national standard number, if the enterprise standards, procurement contracts should be accompanied by corporate documents. 2, the valve quality [Buy] fire pump, spray pump, sewage pump [Buy] Bearing Accessories [Purchase] air lock valve [Procurement] signal amplifier [Procurement] valve [Procurement] Centrifugal pump [Procurement] Vertical multistage pump [Procurement] fuel tank [Procurement] speed control motor

Holographic Grating

China star optics can provide customers with a variety of replicated grating products such as diffraction gratings, reflective gratings,holographic gratings,concave gratings etc. to meet different needs. Maximum ruled area is up to 300x300mm2 for plane ruled diffraction gratings. For replicated diffraction and transmission gratings the ruling density can be from 20 grooves per millimeter to 2400 grooves per millimeter, wavelength from 0.2 micron to 25 microns.

They are widely used for applications in optical communications,biotechnology, colorimetry,chromatography,and medical instrumentation.

Handling Gratings: Gratings require special handling, making them prone to fingerprints and aerosols. Gratings should only be handled by the edges.

Holographic gratings:
Ruled area: <=70 * 70mm
Wavelength range: 0.2-0.8um
Grooves per mm: 1,200 to 3,600L/mm
Diffraction: >70%
Ruled gratings:
Ruled area: <=70 * 70mm
Wavelength range: 0.2-15um
Grooves per mm: 50 to 2,400L/mm
Diffraction: >70%
Concave gratings:
Ruled area: <=70 * 70mm
Wavelength range: 200 to 900um
Grooves per mm: 490 to 1,200L/mm
Diffraction: >70%

Holographic Grating,Holographic Blazed Grating,Holographic Concave Grating,Aberration-Corrected Holographic Grating

China Star Optics Technology Co.,Ltd. ,

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