Entrance decoration restaurant decoration home decoration design
Star effect on swimming pool floor is one of the most unique products and only fiber optic technology can be performed. Star effect with hundreds, thousands of stars on the floor of the pool with different star sizes and color changing, sparkling effects.
Fiber optics Pool lighting provide a soothing feel for your swimming pool and consist of two main components, the light source and the optic cable. The Fiber Optic illuminator or light source, produces various colors of light, usually a white light shining through a color wheel that can be controlled by switch or automatically through a remote control. The fiber cable inserts into the illuminator and the light travels the entire length of the cable. The fact that the entire cable light up allows for complete perimeter lighting or anything else you want to create.
Fibre Optic Pool Lighting,Fibre Optic Pool Lights,Fiber Optic Pool,Pools In The Sky
Jiangxi Daishing POF Co.,Ltd , https://www.jxopticfibrelight.com