Solutions to different noise problems of regulating valves 1) Tandem silencer method This method is suitable for silencing as aerodynamic noise, which can effectively eliminate the noise inside the fluid and restrain the noise level transmitted to the solid boundary layer. This method is most effective and economical for places with high mass flow rate or high pressure drop before and after the valve. The use of absorption series silencer can significantly reduce the noise. However, economically, it is generally limited to decay to about 25 dB. 2) Sound insulation box method Use sound box, house and building to isolate the noise source inside, so that the noise of the external environment can be reduced to the acceptable range. 3) Selection of low-noise valve low-noise valve According to the fluid through the control valve spool, the valve seat of the tortuous flow path (multi-channel, multi-channel) of the gradual deceleration to avoid any point in the flow path to produce supersonic. A variety of forms, a variety of structures of low-noise valves (designed for specialized systems) for use when used. When the noise is not large, the choice of low noise sleeve valve, can reduce the noise 10 to 20 dB, which is the most economical low noise valve. 4) Series throttling method When the pressure ratio of the regulating valve is high (ΔP / P1≥0.8), the series throttling method is to distribute the total pressure drop to the fixed throttling element after the regulating valve and the valve. Such as the use of diffusers, porous restrictor, which is the most effective way to reduce noise. In order to get the best diffuser efficiency, the diffuser (physical shape, size) must be designed for each piece of installation so that the valve produces the same noise level as the diffuser.
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