
散孔材至半环孔材。生长轮颇明显。心材新切面紫红褐或深红褐,常带黑色条纹。管孔在肉眼下可见至明显,弦向直径最大208μm,平均114μm;数甚少至略少,2~1 2个/mm2。轴向薄壁组织肉眼下可见,主为傍管带状(多数宽1~数细胞)及聚翼状。木纤维壁厚。木射线在放大镜下明显;波痕可见;射线组织同形单列(甚少)及多列。新切面辛辣气浓郁,久则微香;结构细;纹理斜或交错;气干密度0.82~O.94 g/cm3。

Kone Escalator Spare Parts

We can provide all kinds of accessories for KONE escalators.

Including: Demarcation Strip, Sidewalk Pallet, Aluminium Step, Chain Roller, AI Drive Roller, AI Bearing Step Roller, Roller, Iron Hub, Press Roller, Wearing Strip, Gliding Bushing, Comb Plate, Step Chain, etc.

Some products may not appear in our product list, but you are welcome to inquire with product pictures and specific parameters.

For more information, welcome to contact us with your product pictures and the quantity you need.

Here attached some related product pictures.

De70089 Imgde70089Wk361024h03 22 Pin Central Step Comb W 198 65mmDee2264316h01 Step Comb C7 1 W 197 4mm L 205mmDee3665247 Pallet Body Type100 C 1003mm Leg230d

Kone escalator spare parts,Escalator Step,Comb,Step chain,handrail

Suzhou Keffran Parts Co.,ltd , https://www.keffran-elevatorsmart.com

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