Insect Killer - Protector of Green Plant Protection

In recent years, green plant protection has been raised more and more times, but there are not many effects. Expert research shows that insecticidal lamps may give you a different feeling. Maybe we can get some inspiration from them.
Not long ago, the reporter saw on the 600-acre field in the village of Cishan, Lefeng Town, Shuyang County, Jiangxi Province. More than 200 solar insecticidal lamps were hung on the edge of the field. The farmer Zhang Xueming pointed to the insecticidal lamp and said: "Since the insecticidal lamp is installed, the number of fights has been reduced by at least 2 times, 1 mu of medicine is 40 yuan, and in two seasons it is 80 yuan. I planted 20 mu of land and saved 1600 yuan. Not only has the benefits of grain production been improved, but also an edible safety.” Director of the Jiangxi Provincial Plant Protection Bureau, Shu Changwai, told reporters that at present, the province has established a green prevention and control demonstration area for crops, diseases such as rice, cotton, vegetables, citrus and tea. There are 192, the core demonstration area is more than 900,000 mu, and the radiation-driven area is nearly 5.1 million mu. Demonstration shows the "three raw and three-inducing" non-chemical control technology and efficient and safe pesticides and scientific drug technology, and the pests and diseases in the demonstration area have been effectively controlled.
By implementing green prevention and control technology, about 300,000 households will benefit from it. First, there are three major changes in farmers in the demonstration area: that is, the concept of prevention and control changes from drug control to green comprehensive control and reduction of drugs, and the prevention and treatment methods rely on chemical pesticides to comprehensive application of scientific drug technology and insecticidal lamps, sexual attractants, and biological pesticides. And the transformation of non-chemical control technologies such as physical control, and the main body of prevention and control has changed from single-family prevention to unified defense and professional prevention. Second, the use of drugs in the demonstration area has achieved “one reduction, two elimination”, that is, the number of chemical pesticides used has been significantly reduced, and high-toxic and high-residue pesticides have been basically eliminated. The third is to promote the stable development of crops such as rice. The implementation of green pest control technology for vegetable pests and diseases in Nantang Town, Ganyu County has not only achieved the control effect but also saved the cost and increased the income. The vegetables can be used less than 5 pesticides per mu per year, plus the wages of artificial labor, which is expected to increase per mu per year. The savings of more than 130 yuan, the county increased revenue and expenditure reached 2.6 million yuan.
The cost of prevention and control of rice per mu is 10 to 30 yuan, and the economic benefits are remarkable. First, the control effect has been improved: the main pests and diseases in the demonstration area are controlled below the economic allowable loss level; the second is to increase the output and benefits: according to the measurement of some demonstration areas, the output per mu of early and late rice is increased more than the average yield of non-demonstration areas. 75.3-95.5 kg, the average yield increased by 9.33%. The third is to reduce the cost: the use of green plant protection technology on rice in Ji'an City to reduce the drug fight 1 to 3 times, improve the control effect by 5% to 15%, the cost of prevention and control per mu is 10 to 30 yuan, and the income increase is 40 to 60 yuan.

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