US Department of Agriculture: lysozyme can replace antibiotics

Researchers at the US Department of Agriculture are conducting a study that has a natural antibacterial effect called lysozyme, which may be a substitute for antibiotics. VVT China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

The US Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) reported adding lysozyme to compare with traditional antibiotics. VVT China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Lysozyme is an enzyme that has antibacterial properties and can be found in tears, mucus and saliva of animals. VVT China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

The trial selected 10 day old weaned pigs were divided into 3 groups. The pigs were given a diet of milk substitutes, and three groups were added with granule lysozyme, neomycin and oxytetracycline. The results showed that the growth rate of pigs was similar to the addition of lysozyme compared to the addition of conventional antibiotics, and lysozyme and antibiotics also reduced the number of pathogens. VVT China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

Oliver and microbiologist James Wells, in the analysis of meat safety and quality research units, also studied the growth and development of lysozyme and the effects of gastrointestinal health in 24-day-old pigs. A total of 192 weaned pigs (96 boars and 96 sows) were randomly divided into 3 groups and fed a dry feed containing lysozyme, kappa oxyhydroxide and no additives. After 28 days, the analysis showed that lysozyme is an effective antibiotic, which can improve the growth performance, feed efficiency and gastrointestinal health of pigs. VVT China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving animal husbandry

IECEx Approved Coriolis Mass Flow Meter

Zhejiang Sealand Technology Co., Ltd. is a trustworthy manufacturer of Mass Flow Transmitter, Coriolis Mass Flow Transmitter, Coriolis Mass Flow Sensor, Mass Flow Sensor & Mass Flow Sensor Coriolis, ATEX, IECEx & CE approved.

The meter can be connected with computer as follows. Connect the meter and computer with a USB-to-RS485 converter( converter A+ end to transmitter A+ end, B- to B-, and GND to GDN); turn to device manager of the computer to check COM port connected with meter. Start the software, select the right COM port and click Connect; do not change any other parameters (if you do not know the right one, click Automatic options on the left, click Connect, plug & unplug the transmitter, and then check if it is connected). You can click Connect on the tool bar to disconnect or connect again. It will shown Connected/Not Connected at the bottom of this interface.

The flow direction is settable. There are 4 options, forward(default), reverse, absolute value & bi-direction. There is a direction mark on the sensor. Forward means the same direction with the mark on sensor, the meter will only count the flow in this direction; reverse means the opposite direction of the mark, the meter will only count the reverse direction; bidirectional means that the meter will measure both directions, it increases when it is forward and decreases when reverse; absolute means it increases no matter it is forward or reverse.

Mass Flow Transmitter, Coriolis Mass Flow Transmitter, Coriolis Mass Flow Sensor, Mass Flow Sensor, Mass Flow Sensor Coriolis

Zhejiang Sealand Technology Co., Ltd. ,

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