Recently, the researchers demonstrated a magical experiment: they heated the hemp bast fiber through a two-stage process to create a highly efficient carbon electrode. In the end, they obtained a substance with the same energy storage capacity as graphene through this method. The key is that the manufacturing cost of this material is still very low. You only need to use those living plant residues. This material can withstand extreme temperatures, either sub-zero temperatures or 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
Do not always focus on laboratory-generated substances such as graphene, and those naturally grown *** may also serve as our future "suppliers" of energy.
***In the future, it may be used to manufacture cheap batteries, charging time is very short, and it is not easy to produce losses.
The results of this study have very great prospects. We all know that graphene has been used to test raw materials for ordinary batteries and supercapacitors. Supercapacitors have a very short charging time and are not prone to loss. Therefore, we can predict that this type of cheap battery based on *** plants will be used in future cars or mobile electronic devices. This technology can also be used to replace graphene in other areas, such as solar panels and touch screens.
In addition, this technology is not just a concept at this stage. A Canadian small company is expanding the production of "*** electrode". And, with the legalization of *** cultivation in the United States, its production may also increase. If all this goes well, perhaps in the future, we will see electronic equipment using *** as raw material for batteries.
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