Design Information Preservation and Recovery Techniques In the process design process, many intermediate results are important for subsequent design, drawing, and final process card formation. For external data that needs to be saved and large and dynamically accessed, it is saved in the form of an external dynamic database. Temporary data of each dialog box in the design process is saved by video document or other document in VC. For static and small amount of data, it is saved in the program with static database, such as machining allowance and draft slope. And other process parameters. The tooling database management tooling database module summarizes various forms and tooling patterns used in the manufacturer's process design, and manages them in the same interface, which is conducive to rapid casting process design.
The development of the module uses ODBC technology, and all data exists in an Acess file. You can add, modify, and delete records by selecting a different table. To illustrate the meaning of the parameters of the table, you can view the relevant drawings through the schematic button. The data for the riser design, the flask design, and the cold iron design module can be changed simultaneously by modifying the module database. The design of the pouring system design and the design of the riser design are similar, and it is designed according to the combination of empirical formula and look-up table. Symbols such as dimensioning of design results can be modified according to user requirements. The module's database is managed by the system's process tool database. The riser design first calculates the riser diameter from the empirical formula, and then compares the data with the table in the dialog box to obtain other parameters of the riser. Click on the insertion point on the part drawing to draw the riser block. The standard core design has developed a standard core design module based on user-related design criteria.
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