In actual production, in order to increase the yield of propylene products in the 600,000 tonne/year gas fractionation unit and reduce the content of C2 light components in the raw material of the propylene fractionator, a part of the propylene is inevitably accompanied by the high pressure gas in the top of the deethanizer reflux tank. emission. The propylene content in gas is about 60%, causing certain economic losses and environmental pollution. Gas gas directly enters the high-pressure gas pipe network, and is partially used as fuel for the 120-ton/year continuous reformer combustion furnace. The remainder is sent to the flare for combustion, which also increases the processing load of the flare system.
In this regard, the Yan'an Petrochemical Plant organized personnel to carry out technical research, and through careful analysis and strict argumentation, formulated technical transformation plans and organized implementation. The high-pressure gas from the de-ethanation tower of the gas separation unit is led to the absorption and desorption column of the 1.4 million tons/year diesel hydrogenation unit, and the C3 component (propylene and propane) is absorbed into the liquefied gas, and finally recycled to the gas. The device is used as a raw material to achieve propylene recovery and utilization.
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