Frosted glass is also known as frosted glass, dark glass. Ordinary flat glass is subjected to mechanical sandblasting or manual grinding and hydrofluoric acid dissolution to prepare the surface into a uniform surface. Due to the rough surface of the frosted glass, which causes diffuse reflection of light, light transmission and non-perspective, it can soften the room without dazzling, so it is also widely used. Recently, many users have asked how to adjust the parameters of the frosted glass . Don't worry, I'll focus on the relevant parameters of the frosted glass parameters to help you further understand the relevant knowledge of frosted glass, and I hope to help you.
Frosted glass
1. Frosted glass, also known as frosted glass, dark glass, is made of an ordinary flat glass that is mechanically sandblasted, hand ground, or hydrofluoric acid treated to treat the surface as a uniform surface.
2. Because of the rough surface of the frosted glass, the light is diffusely reflected and transmits light without seeing. It can soften the room without being harsh. Frosted glass is often used for doors, windows, and partitions that require concealed bathrooms, bathrooms, and offices. When using the hair should face the window.
Frosted glass properties
Due to the rough surface, the light is diffusely reflected, and it transmits light without seeing. It can soften the room without getting harsh. The use of glass flakes is to ensure that the frosted glass is in closer contact with the gas collection bottle. Because the mouth of the gas cylinder is also frosted, the frosted side is also used when frosted glass is used. This collection of gases is not easy to leak.
Frosted glass
Frosted glass is also called frosted glass and dark glass. Is a semi-permeable material, using an ordinary plate through sandblasting, grinding or some chemical dissolution and other methods of external processing to make some of the surface more uniform material; due to the rough surface, so that the light produced Reflection, light transmission without perspective, it can soften the room without glaring.
Frosted glass use
The reason why frosted glass is favored by people is mainly because of its wide application area. In general, it can be divided into living areas, industrial areas, and scientific research fields. The main area of ​​life is the application of family bathroom glass. The industrial area is mainly used for glass installation in the workshop. The use of frosted glass gas collection bottles in the scientific research field to collect gas, because the frosted glass can increase the contact surface with the gas, can store longer. Therefore, we say that the application of frosted glass is very important.
Frosted glass prices
After careful understanding, the market price of frosted glass is not very high. In general, it is about 20 yuan per square meter. The price of frosted glass is not fixed, it is affected by many factors, such as the size of the frosted glass, the degree of thickness and thickness of the frosted glass manufacturers and so on. Therefore, we must measure the price of frosted glass based on the local price level when purchasing.
Note: This price is for reference only! Due to geographical differences, of course, the price will be different. For more details on the prices, please refer to the local distributors!
How to adjust the parameters of frosted glass
1.3 Dvray frosted glass material parameters adjustment. One is to add a fuzzy refraction, and the other is to add a bump to a specific setting.
2. The first method: 1, diffuse color 200, 250, 250; 2, reflection reflect color 200, 250, 250, check Fresnel reflections Feiner reflection, blurred reflection reflglossiness value 0.85, high light hilightglossiness 0.8; 3, Refraction refract color 177,220,250, fuzzy glossiness0.8, fogcolor246, 255, 255, fogmultiplier is 0.003, check applyshadows, this kind of glass rendering is very slow, and works well.
3. The second method, based on the first method, is to modify: Relf.glossiness to 1.0, Glossiness to Refraction to 1.0, and paste noise map to Bump channel. The size of noise is 1 or 0.1.
How to clean the frosted glass
1. Slight stains and finger marks are removed with equal amounts of vinegar and water solution.
2. More solid marks, such as traces of cosmetics or toothpaste left on mirrors or glass, can be removed with special glass cleaners.
3, pattern glass and carved glass can be cleaned with a very soft brush. The printed matter on the newspaper contains solvents. The newspaper can be used to erase the stains on the windows.
Editor's summary: The size and price of the frosted glass are introduced here. In addition, if you do not use frosted glass, then feel more suitable friends of the matte material, there is a remedy is a glass paste, suitable for blocking light, heat insulation, blocking UV.
Bathroom frosted glass partition frosted glass frosted glass partition wall how to avoid decoration contract trap frosted glass parameters
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