The solid wood home has scratches and distressed death Titanium Madi furniture tells you that this trick can actually remedy

          Love the family must love every thing in the family, but also learn to care for and care for every item. The furniture at home is the theme of the family. Therefore, we should learn how to protect and protect them. Everyone has different opinions about the maintenance of furniture, and Titan Madi furniture can only talk about his own knowledge and experience.

Solid wood furniture scratch removal method one
          As far as market furniture is concerned, solid wood furniture is quite common and is increasingly popular with consumers. Its material is natural, environmentally friendly, and the texture is naturally clear. According to its color and style, it is divided into different treatment methods, and different repair methods are also selected according to the depth of the scratches. For light wood furniture, you can choose to use wax to repair scratches. How do you do this? First of all, we need to treat the wax, that is, the wax is scraped into powder and then evenly applied to the scratches. Then, the wax particles coated on the scratches are heated to melt the wax, and then the excess wax is removed (the scratches are oozing out). Wax) When the wax is slowly cooled, is it not so obvious to observe the scratches?
          Solid wood furniture scratch removal method two
          Many people are both distressed and uneasy about the wood furniture in their homes. Don't worry, Titanium Madi furniture will help you to deal with the traces of the flowers. If you want to quickly cover the small scratches, you will first smash the walnuts and mountains. The flesh of walnut or brazil nuts rubs the flesh along the scratches. The oil in the flesh will darken the scratches. The repaired solid wood furniture will be thought that the piece that was repaired is its original decoration! It looks smooth and shiny, and it can be done "to fake"!
          Solid wood furniture scratch removal method three
          Some people have a special liking for solid wood furniture. They are regarded as palms in their hands and meat in their hands. They can be sorely distressed. They rushed to the hospital and found furniture manufacturers. The result was that the factory responded: either returning to the factory or depreciating. Returning to the factory is to spray a little paint for you, but when the journey back and forth is bumpy, it is also incomplete, why bother? Not as good as repairing at home, neither cost nor cost. Wood furniture lacquer scratches, not touched with lacquered wood, can be applied to the wound surface of the furniture with crayon or pigment that is the same color as the furniture, and then covered with a thin layer of transparent nail polish. It still looks no different from the original.
          Solid wood furniture scratch removal method four
          If you are at home, accidentally scratching the solid wood furniture, and you have no work area to repair it, Titanium Madi furniture teaches you a simple and practical way. First, cut a lemon, use lemon juice to drip on the scratches, and then dry it with a soft cloth soaked in hot water for a while. Quickly dry and polish to restore the original. (Using the acidity and wood combination of lemon juice to highlight the concave wood) Is this method simple and practical? With so many methods, the pro has learned the same!

          Having said so many methods, they are all remedied after the scratches appear. Then let's talk about the measures to prevent scratching of solid wood furniture! 1. Try not to drop oil stains or stains on solid wood furniture, to avoid scratching the furniture when removing stains; 2. Try to put a protective film on the solid wood coffee table; 3. Try not to use hard tools to beat solid wood furniture. 4, try not to let the solid wood furniture direct sunlight, do not put in a dark and humid place, this will make the solid wood furniture deformation.

Source: GO Jiaju Furniture Network

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