detailed! Fire pump regulations

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A fire pump

1 , fire pump should be based on reliability, installation site, fire water, fire water supply design flow and lift and other comprehensive factors to determine the type of pump, the pump driver should adopt direct drive of the motor or diesel engine, fire pump should not use dual-motor or diesel-based Constituted dual power driven water pump.

2. The fire pump unit shall be composed of the water pump, the driver and the special control cabinet; a group of fire pump can be composed of the working pump and the standby pump of the same fire water supply system.

3 , fire pump manufacturers should provide a complete pump flow head performance curve, and should indicate the flow, head, cavitation margin, power and efficiency and other parameters.

4. The minimum rated flow rate of a single fire pump should not be less than 10L/s , and the maximum rated flow should not be greater than 320L/s .

5. When the fire pump adopts a centrifugal pump, the type of the pump should be comprehensively determined based on factors such as flow, head, cavitation residual, power and efficiency, rotation speed, noise, and environmental requirements of the installation site.

6. The selection and application of fire pump should meet the following requirements:

1) The performance of the fire pump should meet the flow and pressure requirements of the fire water supply system;

2) The power of the driver of the fire pump shall meet the requirements of the power required for operation at any point on the selected pump's head lift performance curve;

3) When using motor-driven fire-fighting pumps, dry-installed fire-fighting pumps should be selected;

4) The flow head performance curve should have no hump, no smooth curve of inflection point, the pressure at zero flow should not exceed 140% of the design pressure , and should not be less than 120% of the design pressure rating ;

5) When the outflow is 150% of the design flow , the outlet pressure should not be less than 65% of the design pressure ;

6) The sealing method and material of the pump shaft should meet the requirements for the fire pump running at low flow;

7) The fire fighting water pump of the same pump group should be of the same type, and the working pump should not exceed 3 units;

8) When multiple fire-fighting pumps are connected in parallel, the impact of superimposed flow on the exit pressure of fire-fighting pumps should be checked.

7. The main material of the fire pump should meet the following requirements:

1) Pump housing should be ductile iron;

2) The impeller should be bronze or stainless steel.

8. When using a diesel engine fire pump, the following requirements shall be met:

1) Diesel engine fire pump should adopt compression type ignition diesel engine;

2) The rated power of the diesel engine should check the influence of altitude and ambient temperature on the diesel engine power;

3) diesel engine fire pump should have continuous performance, the test run time should not be less than 24h ;

4) The battery of the diesel engine fire pump shall ensure that the fire pump automatically starts the pump at any time;

5) The fuel tank of the diesel engine fire pump shall be determined according to the fire duration, and the minimum effective volume of the fuel tank shall be set at 1.5L/kW . The fuel stored in the fuel tank of the diesel engine fire pump shall not be less than 50% of the reserve.

9. Axial deep well pump should be installed on wells, fire pools and other fire water sources, and should meet the following requirements:

1) When the axial deep well pump is installed in a well, its submerged depth should meet the requirements of its reliable operation. When the pump discharge flow is 150% of the rated flow, the minimum submergence depth should be not less than the first pump impeller bottom water level line. For a depth of 3.2m and an increase of 300m above sea level , the minimum submerged depth of a deepwell pump shall be increased by at least 0.3m ;

2) When the axial deep well pump is installed on fire water sources such as fire pools, the bottom of the first pump impeller should be lower than the lowest effective water level of the fire pool, and the inundation depth should be calculated and determined according to the hydraulic conditions and the fire pool should be satisfied. Such as fire water source effective storage or effective water level energy requirements are fully utilized; when the pump rated flow is greater than 125L / s , should determine the depth of flooding according to the performance of the pump, and should meet the requirements of the pump cavitation excess ;

3) Axial deep well pump outlet pipe and fire water distribution network connection should comply with the relevant provisions of Article 5.1.13, paragraph 3, should follow the "fire water supply and hydrant systems technical specifications";

4) The valve setting of the axial flow deep well pump outlet pipe shall comply with the relevant provisions of paragraphs 5 and 6 of Article 5.1.13 of this Code ;

5) When the minimum water level of the fire-fighting pool is lower than the center line or the water level of the outlet pipe of the centrifugal pump, the axial-flow deep well pump can be used, and the wet-type deep-pit installation method should be adopted to install the fire water source such as the fire pool;

6) When the motor of the axial deep well pump is set in the open air, it should have rain protection function;

7) Others shall comply with the relevant provisions of the current national standard "Outdoor Water Supply Design Specification" GB50013 .

10. The fire pump should be equipped with a spare pump whose performance should be consistent with that of the working pump, except in the following cases:

1) When the design flow of outdoor fire water supply for other buildings with a building height of more than 50m is less than or equal to 25L/s ;

2) When the indoor fire water supply design flow is less than or equal to 10L/s .

11. A group of fire-fighting pumps shall be provided with flow and pressure testing devices in the fire pump room and shall meet the following requirements:

1) When the flow rate of a single fire-fighting feed pump is not more than 20L/s and the pressure is not more than 0.50MPa , the pump group shall reserve the interface of the flowmeter and pressure gauge, and other pump groups shall set the pump group flow and pressure testing device;

2) The measurement accuracy of the fire-fighting pump flow detection device shall be 0.4 , and 75% of the maximum range shall not be lower than 175% of the rated flow of the largest single fire-fed feed pump .

3) The measurement accuracy of the fire pump pressure detection device should be 0.5 , and 75% of the maximum range should not be lower than 165% of the rated pressure of the largest one .

4) should be set to test the water DN65 on each fire pump outlet pipe, and should be installed in DN65 hydrant.

12 , fire pump water absorption should meet the following requirements:

1) The fire pump should be self-irrigation;

2) When the fire pump is pumped directly from the municipal pipe network, a decompression type reverse flow preventer shall be installed on the outlet pipe of the fire pump.

3) When there is no suction well at the suction outlet, a swirl flow preventer should be installed at the suction outlet.

13. Centrifugal fire pump suction pipes, outlet pipes and valves shall meet the following requirements:

1) A group of fire-fighting pumps and suction pipes shall not be less than two. When one of them is damaged or overhauled, the remaining suction pipes shall still be capable of passing through all fire-fighting water supply design flows;

2) Fire pump suction pipe layout should avoid the formation of air bags;

3) A group of fire-fighting pumps shall be provided with not less than two water mains connected to the fire-fighting water supply ring network. When one of the water-conveyance pipes is inspected and repaired, the remaining water-transporting pipes shall still be capable of supplying all fire-fighting water supply design flows;

4) The inundation depth of the suction port of the fire pump shall meet the requirements for the safe operation of the fire pump at the lowest water level. The inundation depth of the bell mouth of the suction pipe under the lowest effective water level of the fire tank shall be determined according to the water flow speed and hydraulic conditions of the bell mouth of the suction pipe, but Should not be less than 600mm . When using a swirl flow preventer, the depth of flooding should not be less than 200mm ;

5) Fire-fighting pump suction pipe should be set on open-rod valve or butterfly valve with self-locking device, but when setting the lever valve should be set with open scale and signs; when the pipe diameter exceeds DN300 , should set the electric valve;

6) The fire pump water outlet pipe should be set on the check valve, open-rod valve; when using the butterfly valve, with a self-locking device; when the pipe diameter is greater than DN300 , should set the electric valve;

7) When the suction diameter of the fire pump suction pipe is less than DN250 , the flow rate should be 1.0m/s ~ 1.2m/s ; when the diameter is greater than DN250 , it should be 1.2m/s ~ 1.6m/s ;

8) When the diameter of the fire pump outlet pipe is less than DN250 , the flow rate should be 1.5m/s to 2.0m/s ; when the diameter is greater than DN250 , it should be 2.0m/s to 2.5m/s ;

9) The arrangement of suction wells should meet the requirements of smooth flow, uniform flow velocity, and no swirling in wells, and should be easy to install and construct;

10) When the suction pipe and outlet pipe of the fire pump pass through the outer wall, a waterproof casing shall be used; when passing through the wall and floor, it shall meet the requirements of paragraph 5 of Article 12.3.19 of this Code ;

11) When the suction pipe of the fire pump passes through the fire-fighting tank, the flexible sleeve shall be used; when the rigid waterproof sleeve is adopted , the flexible joint shall be set on the suction pipe of the pump 25 , and the pipe diameter shall not exceed DN150 .

14. When there are two-way fire water supply and the fire pump is allowed to directly absorb water, the following requirements shall be met:

1) Each municipal water supply shall meet the design flow of fire water supply and other water that must be guaranteed during firefighting;

2) The pressure of the outdoor water supply pipe network during firefighting should not be less than 0.10 MPa from the ground ;

3) The fire pump lift should be calculated according to the minimum water pressure of the outdoor water supply pipe network, and the working pressure of the fire pump should be checked against the highest water pressure of the outdoor water supply.

15 , fire pump suction pipe can be set to filter pipe, pipe filter over the water area should be greater than 4 times the pipe over the water area , and the aperture should not be less than 3mm .

16. Temporary high-pressure fire-fighting water supply systems shall adopt technical measures to prevent the overheating of the low-flow idling fire pumps.

17. Pressure gauges shall be installed on the suction pipes and outlet pipes of fire-fighting pumps, and shall meet the following requirements:

1) The maximum range of the fire pump water outlet pipe pressure gauge shall not be less than 2 times the rated working pressure of the pump , and shall not be less than 1.60 MPa ;

2) Fire pump suction pipe should set vacuum gauge, pressure gauge or vacuum gauge. The maximum range of pressure gauge should be determined according to the specific conditions of the project, but it should not be less than 0.70MPa , the maximum range of vacuum gauge should be -0.10MPa ;

3) The diameter of the pressure gauge shall not be less than 100mm . Pipes with a diameter of not less than 6mm shall be connected to the fire pump inlet and outlet pipes, and shut-off valves shall be provided.

Second, high fire water tank

1. The effective volume of the high-level fire-fighting water tank of the temporary high-pressure fire-fighting water supply system shall meet the requirements for the initial fire-fighting water consumption, and shall comply with the following provisions:

1) A class of high-rise public buildings should not be less than 36m3 , but should not be less than 50m3 when the building height is greater than 100m , and not less than 100m3 when the building height is greater than 150m ;

2) The multi-storey public buildings, the second-class high-rise public buildings and the first-class high-rise residential buildings should not be less than 18m3 , and should not be less than 36m3 when the first-class residential building height exceeds 100m ;

3) Second-class high-rise residential buildings should not be less than 12m3 ;

4) The multi-storey residential building with a building height of more than 21m should not be less than 6m3 ;

5) The design flow rate of indoor fire-fighting water supply for industrial buildings should not be less than 12m3 when it is less than or equal to 25L/s , and should not be less than 18m3 when it is greater than 25L/s ;

6) Shop buildings with a total construction area of ​​more than 10,000m2 and less than 30000m2 should not be less than 36m3 . Stores with a total construction area of ​​more than 30,000m2 should not be less than 50m3 . When they are inconsistent with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, they should be taken as the greater value.

2. The location of the high-level fire water tank should be higher than the water extinguishing facilities it serves, and the minimum effective water level should meet the hydrostatic pressure at the most unfavorable point of the water fire extinguishing facility, and should meet the following requirements:

1) A class of high-rise civil public buildings should not be less than 0.10 MPa , but should not be less than 0.15 MPa when the building height exceeds 100 m ;

2) The high-rise residential buildings, the second-class high-rise public buildings, and multi-storey residential buildings should not be less than 0.07 MPa , and the multi-storey residential buildings can be appropriately reduced when there are difficulties.

3) Industrial buildings should not be less than 0.10 MPa ;

4) When the water supply capacity of the municipal water supply pipe network meets the maximum hourly water consumption for production and living, and it can still meet the fire flow and pressure required for the initial fire, the municipal water supply system can directly supply water, and reverse flow prevention at the inlet pipe should be provided. The automatic exhaust valve shall be set at the highest point of the system;

5) automatic sprinkler system and other automatic water fire extinguishing system should be determined according to the nozzle fire extinguishing pressure, but the minimum should not be less than 0.10MPa ;

6) When the high-level fire water tank cannot meet the static pressure requirements of paragraphs 1 to 5 of this Article , a regulated pump shall be provided.

3 , high fire water tank can be hot dip galvanized steel, reinforced concrete, stainless steel and other construction.

4. The installation of high-level fire water tanks should meet the following requirements:

1) When the high-level fire water tank is installed on the roof of the open air, the manhole of the water tank, the valves of the water inlet and outlet pipes, etc. shall adopt protective measures such as locks or valve boxes;

2) Fire-fighting tanks in winter freezing areas such as cold and cold should be installed in the fire-fighting tank room. Other areas should be set indoors. When it is necessary to set up the roof in the open air, safety measures such as antifreeze and heat insulation should be taken;

3) The high fire water tank and foundation should be firmly connected.

5. The high-level fire-fighting water tank should be well-ventilated and should not be frozen. When it is necessary to set it in a non-heating room in winter freezing areas such as cold and cold, anti-freezing measures should be taken . The ambient temperature or water temperature should not be lower than 5 °C.

6. High-level fire water tanks should meet the following requirements:

1) The effective volume, effluent, drainage and water level of high-level fire water tanks shall comply with the relevant provisions of Article 4.3.8 and Article 4.3.9 of the Technical Specifications for Fire-fighting Water Supply and Fire Hydrant Systems ;

2) The minimum effective water level of the high-level fire water tank shall be determined according to the flare of the outlet pipe and the inundation depth of the anti-cyclone. When using the outlet of the water pipe, the bell mouth shall comply with the paragraph 4 of Article 5.1.13 of the "Technical Code for Fire-fighting Water Supply and Hydrant System". The provisions; but when the use of cyclone prevention should be determined according to the product, should not be less than the protective height of 150mm ;

3) The ventilation pipe, breathing tube, etc. of the fire water tank shall comply with the relevant provisions of Article 4.3.10 of this Code ;

4) The net distance between the outer wall of the fire fighting tank and the building body structure wall surface or other pool walls shall meet the requirements of construction or assembly. The side of the pipeline shall not be less than 0.7m ; the side of the installed pipeline shall not be clear distance. Less than 1.0m , and the width of the channel between the outer wall of the pipeline and the wall surface of the building body should not be less than 0.6m . The top of the tank with manholes should have a clearance of not less than 0.8m above the top of the building body .

5) The diameter of the water inlet pipe should meet the requirement of 8h full water for the fire tank , but the pipe diameter should not be less than DN32 . The water inlet pipe should be equipped with a liquid level valve or float valve;

6) The inlet pipe should be connected above the overflow level. The height of the overflow pipe edge above the overflow edge should be equal to the inlet pipe diameter, but the minimum should not be less than 25mm , the maximum can not exceed 150mm ;

7) When the inlet pipe is flooded out, it should be set on the inlet pipe to prevent backflow or to install siphon damage holes and vacuum breakers on the pipe. The hole diameter of the siphon damage hole should not be less than 1/5 of the pipe diameter , and no Should be less than 25mm . However, when using the domestic water supply system to make up the water, the inlet pipe should not be submerged and flow out;

8) The diameter of the overflow pipe should not be less than 2 times the diameter of the inlet pipe and should not be less than DN100. The diameter of the bell mouth of the overflow pipe should not be less than 1.5 to 2.5 times the diameter of the overflow pipe .

9) The diameter of the outlet pipe of the high-level fire-fighting water tank shall meet the water discharge requirements for the design flow of the fire-fighting water supply, and shall not be less than DN100 ;

10) The high-level fire-fighting water tank outlet pipe should be located below the lowest water level of the high-level fire water tank, and a check valve should be set up to prevent fire-fighting water from entering the high-level fire water tank;

11. The inlet and outlet pipes of high-level fire-fighting water tanks shall be provided with valves that indicate opening and closing devices.

Third, the regulator pump

1. The regulated pump should adopt centrifugal pump and should meet the following requirements:

1) Single-suction single-stage or single-suction multi-stage centrifugal pumps should be adopted;

2) The