Study on the Fabrication and Application of High Thermal Conductivity AlN Ceramic Materials

Study on the manufacture and application of high thermal conductivity A1N ceramic materials by vacuum electronics Li Fa, Liu Zheng, Lu Yanping, Liu Huiqing, Gao Yuqiao (Beijing Institute of Vacuum Electronics Technology, Beijing 100016, China) Powders produced by Deshan of Japan, The formula is preferably Y203, CaO is a sintering aid, plus (人~10)% of Y203, CaO. The manufacturing process flow is blending - granulation - dry pressure forming isostatic pressure molding table 1AN powder component brand content / (1 particle size diameter Japanese powder US powder 2 Results and discussion Analysis of A1N ceramic material performance indicators are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Material properties Sizing Parameters Parameter Value Thermal Conductivity Resistivity/-cm Permittivity Dielectric Loss Clamping Rod Thermal Conductivity/W/mK Clamping Rod Size/mm A1N Covalently Bonded Crystal, Melting Point 篼, Hard to Sinter . this.

Frequency / GHz A1N ceramic window VSWR (traveling wave tube) 3 Conclusion Application of Japan Deshan Cauda A1N ceramic powder, add Y203, Ca0 composite sintering aids. The thermal conductivity values ​​of A1N ceramics prepared by atmospheric pressure and hot-pressing sintering methods are stable at 170~. The preparation methods for A1N ceramic clamping rods, collector electrodes and energy transmission windows have been developed. For the first time, AN ceramics are used in vacuum electronic devices. For this kind of material to replace the toxic yttrium oxide ceramics and create a large number of applications in high-power vacuum devices, and achieved preliminary results.

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