"Every day, there are many buyers of foreign trade companies in Yiwu to observe the market. When they see the right products, they will take pictures back and show them to foreign customers. If they are satisfied, they will place orders. It is impossible for them to bear it, but it is passed on to enterprises through price reduction and other means. "Yin Defeng told reporters," Some also ask foreign customers for more commissions, but this part of the money will actually be reflected in the amount of the order. In the end The company pays for it. "
Price increase is difficult to operate
"We have raised our prices, we can't live without rising!" This is the most heard sentence by reporters during unannounced visits. Yin Defeng said that the ex-factory price has been raised four times this year, with a cumulative increase of 35% -40%. Xiong Zhengguang also told reporters that the average price of Christmas gifts this year has risen by 7% -8%, with the largest increase in fiber optic trees, and more than 10%. Lou Qijin said: "Under the pressure of significant increases in packaging and transportation costs, an overall price increase is imperative. Compared with the first half of the year, the toy industry must increase the price by at least 10% in the second half of the year, otherwise To lose money. "
However, the price increase will definitely hurt the number of orders, which has become an inexplicable hidden enterprise. "Our new styles have only risen a little bit this year, and we can't resist rising costs at all. They are much higher and fear of losing customers. The competition in the wholesale industry is fierce. We can only do it if we are not profitable. Helplessly said.
The price increase will not only reduce sales, but also have practical difficulties. "The biggest problem is that our order was signed one or two months ago. How can we only discuss it with customers? It is very passive." The pressure to make Lou Qi more anxious also comes from the rise in labor costs. "Now the product It only increased by 5%, but the cost of labor has increased by an average of 30% -40%. "The reporter learned that the salary market for labor in Yiwu is now at least 1,800 yuan / month, while in Ningbo, 1,500 yuan / month is considered a high salary.
"Not only did the wages rise, but no one was invited!" Lou Qijin was a little emotional when he mentioned "the shortage of migrant workers", "There are more and more factories, and the amount of labor has increased. Unlike industrial workers abroad, our farmers There is land behind the workers, and many people are engaged in farmhouses in their hometowns. "He analyzed that the industrial agglomeration type is also one of the main reasons for the diffusion type." All parts of the country are developing, and the flow of people is naturally scattered. "
"Last year, our monthly salary will be between 1,200 and 1,500 yuan, and this year some have risen to 2,000 yuan." Chen Yongjing, deputy general manager of Zhejiang Aoguang Handicraft Manufacturing Company, told reporters. And in Linxi Township, Ruian City, where Christmas product manufacturers are the most dense, Wang Lianming, general manager of Shuangming Christmas Gifts Co., Ltd., also said that the difficulty of recruiting workers is very headache. people."
"Lime" structure
If artificial price increase is a difficult problem that enterprises must adapt to and respond to in the process of adjusting income distribution and solving the urban-rural dual system, the price increase of raw materials and the appreciation of the RMB seem to be only periodic impacts. However, the structural problems reflected behind the "Yiwu Model" have attracted the attention of experts. Sun Xianghe, a member of the Advisory Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Government and a consultant of the Yiwu Municipal People's Government, believes that the imbalance between domestic and foreign trade is the root cause of the increased pressure on enterprises.
"In recent years, the outgoing degree of the Yiwu market has been maintained at more than 60%. More than 60% of merchants have developed international business through product exports. There are also a few overseas self-built sales networks and international production subcontracting. Bringing huge profits to market operators, but the sluggish international market will trigger industry fluctuations.
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