Deer Fencing Tips And Tricks There are two basic kinds of deer fencing: wire and electric fencing. Electric fencing is often utilized as it is economical. The electrified wires are made into a fence that surrounds the property. Once a deer is shocked it stays away. The problem is a deer can jump a 6-foot electric deer fence. Increase the Effect There are 2 ways to make an electric fence more effective. Bait and clearing. One of the two will work for any fence. Bait the fence with a metal container on a post that smells like a food the deer like to eat. When the deer sniffs the aroma and touches the metal, he gets a shock. Clearing away bush and high grasses used for cover discourages smaller deer that are timid about being in open areas. Double Fencing Deer are good at jumping heights, but bad at jumping horizontally. A double electric fence 3 or 4 feet tall is a good solution. The deer's instinct kicks in and it understands it doesn't want to get stuck between these fences. Baited Posts This kind of fencing isn't exactly a fence. Baited posts are put up on deer paths that lead to a property. They can also be placed to surround plants that deer like to feed on. When a deer goes for the bait in the posts it receives a slight shock and is dissuaded from approaching again. Wire Fencing There are two types of wire fencing: Welded wire and meshed wire. Wire fencing costs more than electric fencing, although it is cheaper than traditional fencing. Welded wire is durable and easy to use. It is galvanized prior to welding. Welded wire can be easily attached to different kinds of fencing including posts, tacks, trees, rails and stakes. The low maintenance of welded wire makes it cost effective. The meshed wire is basically invisible deer fencing. But it requires mending more often. One kind of wire mesh deer fencing is coated using black polyethylene. The coating lessens its visibility and makes it stronger. It cost more than the un-coated mesh. When using invisible deer fencing place white streamers that are 12 to 18 inches in length at 3-foot intervals at least 4 feet from the ground or more. This precaution will stop various wild creatures including birds from getting caught in the netting. The netting comes in rolls and is 8 foot high. The corner posts can be PVC pipe. Wire Fence Materials Wire fencing can be either synthetic or metal. The metal is a lot more costly than the synthetic wire. Slanted Fence A fence that is design with an outward slant is another recommended deterrent to deer. Slanted fences can be either wooden or electric. A wooden slanted fence is expensive to install and requires extensive maintenance. The slant needed is 45 degrees and you can gain additional height by stretching 3 or 4 wires stretched across the top. The deer will try to get under this and find they can't do it. A slanted electric fence usually stands 4 to 5 feet high. It is a high tensile fence. Horizontally it goes out 6 feet. The wires are placed at 12-inch intervals. This is good for an orchard. It goes up and out from the orchard. Solid Fence Privacy fences deter deer because they don't know what is on the other side. They are timid and fear the unknown. They may smell food they like, but are reluctant to jump the fence because the area on the other side isn't visible to them.