Select chain link fence based on five points: wire diameter, hole size, length, width, and surface treatment. Wire diameter of chain link is one of the most important factors. It helps to tell you how much steel actually in the mesh fence. The smaller gauge number, the more steel, the higher the quality, and the stronger of wire. From lightest to heaviest, common gauges of chain link wire are 13, 12-1/2, 11-1/2, 11, nine and six. If you are building a temporary fence, I would recommend fencing between 11-1/2 and nine gauge. Six gauge is typically for heavy industrial or specialized uses and the lighter gauges are best suited for temporary fencing. Hole size of chain link fence tells you how far apart the diamond shape , and it's another indication of how much steel is in the product. The smaller the diamond, the more steel is in the fabric. From largest to smallest, typical mesh sizes are 2 3/8-inch, 2 1/4-inch, and two-inch. Smaller meshes such as 1 3/4-inch are common for tennis courts, 1 1/4-inch for pools, and high-security mini meshes of 5/8-inch, 1/2-inch and 3/8-inch are also available. Length and width of chain link fence let you know how large and how weight it is. Surface treatment of chain link fence help to protect and beautify steel chain link fabric. As we mentioned previously, the most common protective coating for chain link fabric is zinc. Zinc dissipates while protecting the steel. It also offers cathodic protection, which means that if the wire is cut, it "heals" the exposed surface by developing a white oxidation layer that prevents red rust. Normally divided into galvanized one and pvc coated. Galvanized chain link fence divided into electro galvanized chain link fence and hot dipped chain link fence. Electro galvanized means zinc coating is about 15g/㎡. And hot dipped galvanized divided two types. One is 40~60g/㎡ and another is 260g/㎡, also called heavy zinc coated chain link fence. PVC coated chain link fence have many colors, but normally is green and black. You'll also find aluminum-coated (aluminized) wire on the market. Aluminum differs from zinc in that it is a barrier coating rather than a sacrificial coating and as a result cut ends, scratches, or other imperfections are prone to red rusting in a short period of time. Aluminized wire is best suited where aesthetics is less important than structural integrity. Below is the product link, you will know much for chain link fence. If you really need that and don't know how to choose, please contact me any time. My Email is My whatsapp is 008618033714075 My skype is alisa-hy