There are two types of countertops on the market, one is aluminum profile countertop, and the other is vacuum suction countertop. What is the difference between the two?
The aluminum profile table of the engraving machine refers to an engraving table composed of aluminum profiles. The workpiece is fixed on the table with a clamping plate to engrave, so that you can engrave according to the size and thickness of the workpiece. Anything fixed. This countertop saves costs, but it takes time to fix, it is expensive, and production efficiency is low. For workpieces made of materials that cannot be adsorbed, such as stone, copper, and aluminum, an aluminum table engraving machine must be selected.
At present, in the application field of engraving machines, graphite engraving machines use vacuum adsorption tables for more customers, thereby saving more time for fixing plates and improving processing efficiency. Therefore, customers should choose equipment according to their processing needs.
The vacuum adsorption table of the engraving machine means that the tabletop of the engraving machine is vacuum adsorbed. Generally, there are 6 adsorption holes on the desktop, also known as 6-zone vacuum adsorption (3 zones, 9 zones, etc.). ). The function of vacuum adsorption is to place the workpiece on the desktop, turn on the vacuum pump, open the control valve, and directly suck the workpiece onto the desktop, so there is no need to clamp.

The vacuum suction table of the engraving machine has the advantages of convenient fixing, saving fixed time and improving efficiency. The actual operation is: lay a thin layer of wood on the table, seal it well, ensure that there is no air leakage, and the workpiece is firmly fixed. The condition of vacuum adsorption is: no air leakage! Hollowed out, this is inappropriate. Shaped plates are also inappropriate. Suitable processing materials: ordinary density boards with a thickness of about 2 cm are very suitable. It was too thin to fit in and sucked in for the first time. It's too thick to absorb.
Therefore, in general, when selecting the workbench, the material of the workpiece to be processed should be selected. For the workpieces that can be vacuum adsorbed, the vacuum adsorption workbench should be preferred, which will greatly help the future production speed and accuracy. For workpieces that cannot be adsorbed, it is best to use an aluminum workbench.
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