Happen was seated in dalian qian mountain and framed road intersection junction 18 at 8 a.m., when the reporter arrived at the scene, to see a more than 60 years old of old workers in reflective vests half pour half sitting on the ground, hand clutching his ankle, should be injured.One of the men on the other side of the car had been insulting the old sanitation worker with uncivilized words, "you are just a piece of garbage", "why, believe it or not, I killed you". Then reporters witnessed the masses for the understanding, a woman zhu is very angry, she said the words of the man is too harsh, and in the men's full of abuse, pour sitting on the ground of the old workers did not quarrel with the sentence.After a while, the other sanitation worker, who was wearing a reflective alert strip, arrived and carefully examined the injury of the old guard.After that, the traffic police and the ambulance drove to the scene and sent the old sanitation workers to the hospital for inspection. Reporters rushed to the hospital to ask the old workers injured together, learned that the injured no big deal, the guy is relieved, asked who is that man, hit and guy helplessly say: "that's my uncle, had thought is racketeer, so excited, author and we don't want to argue with him."But anyway, now the weather turned hot, sanitation workers to urban environment clean and tidy, often sweat Jia secretly to clean the road, sometimes even at the risk of the middle way to pick up by people throw plastic bags out of the window.The perspective-taking, now our feet step on every inch of the road, are daily in reflective cloth fatigues workers use broom measured, as citizens should respect their pay, more respect for workers.