Router; Port Cache; Buffer; Many parameters in the QoS router participate in affecting the performance of the overall data network, such as backplane capacity, packet forwarding rate, and so on. Among them, all routers currently use a certain amount of port buffer (Interface Buffer, hereinafter referred to as Buffer) to deal with packet loss in the case of network congestion. Different networks have different requirements for Buffer. For the power system integrated service data network, what kind of Buffer is needed and what kind of impact it will have on the network is an important detail that the power system network designer needs to explore. one. Buffer is embodied on the port buffer storage unit of the router and is integrated into each service card and corresponds to each port of the board. It is used to provide a certain buffer storage space for each service data stream when the port is congested. First, we need to understand the circumstances under which the network needs a Buffer. According to the topology of the network, the networking mode, and the bearer of the service, it can be divided into the following two situations: a. The data flow flows from the large-capacity link to the bottleneck link; b. Layer 2 transmission equipment such as SDH, PDH, etc. are involved in the road medium. SDH link C2 (C1 >C2) (a) (a' ) C1 C2 C3 (C1 +C2 )>C3 (b) C1 Service level 1 Service level 2 Service level 3 Service level 1 Service level 2 Service level 3

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