As the temperature rises, it is rainy and humid, and the eggplant plague is outbreaking. Eggplant plague is the main disease of eggplant, which seriously affects the quality and yield of eggplant, and has been plagued by vegetable growers. In this regard, the Chinese pesticide network Xiaobian summed up the relevant prevention and treatment skills, as follows:
First, the symptoms identify the disease mainly harms the fruit, and the incidence of young fruit near the ground is mostly. At the beginning of the fruit onset, water-like round small spots are formed on the surface of the solanacea, and then spread rapidly to the whole fruit. The diseased fruit department is yellowish brown or dark brown, gradually shrinking and softening, and wrinkles appear on the surface. When the humidity is high, the disease minister is full of dense white flocculent layer, and the internal flesh becomes brown and rot. The diseased fruit fell off in the late stage, and all of it burned out quickly on the wet ground. It also stayed on the branches. After the decay, the water lost and became a dark brown brown fruit. Sometimes leaves and shoots can also develop disease. The damaged leaves are nearly round or irregularly shaped with water-stained light brown spots, sometimes with obvious ring patterns, and sparse white mold on the lesions when wet. The stem is infected with water, and it is initially water-stained. It turns dark green or purple-brown, and the diseased part is stiff, and its branches and leaves are wilting.
Second, the disease conditions According to the pesticide network, the occurrence of eggplant blight disease is closely related to temperature and humidity. The temperature is between 28 and 30 ° C, and the relative humidity of 85% or more is conducive to the onset. Open field cultivation in the July and August rainy season is the peak period. Where the rainy season comes early, the rainfall is heavy, and the weather is hot and humid, the incidence is early and heavy, and the peak incidence is often 2~3 after the peak rainfall. Big 0C days appear. The terrain is low, the drainage is not smooth, and the soil is sticky, the land with partial nitrogen fertilizer is seriously affected, the field is closed, and the ventilation is not good, which is conducive to the occurrence and prevalence of diseases.
Third, prevention and control measures The prevention and control of eggplant blight disease should be based on agricultural control.
1. Select resistant varieties, implement rotations and use disease-resistant varieties such as Solanum No.2, which cannot be used continuously. It must be rotated for 3~5 years.
2, the cultivation of strong seedlings, health seedlings bed selection should pay attention to the place where the terrain is high to the south and the north is not easy to accumulate water, the soil is disinfected three weeks before sowing.
3, using sorghum mulching film to cover the cultivation site to level, to prevent water accumulation. Apply enough base fertilizer to increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Carry out wide and narrow row planting, timely cultivating, pruning, old leaves, improve ventilation and light transmission conditions. Timely harvesting, the disease was immediately removed and buried.
4. Strengthen the field treatment Once the diseased fruit and diseased leaves are found to be continuously used for drug control, the pesticide network recommends spraying 72.2% Plex aqueous solution 800 times liquid, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 times liquid, or 58%. Metalaxyl Mn-Zn wettable powder 500 times solution, or 65% Dyson zinc wettable powder 500 times solution.
Jiangmen Gude Polishing Equipment Co., Ltd ,