The plasma can generally include a part of the ionized incompletely ionized plasma, and the plasma continues to be heated, eventually becoming a completely ionized plasma, and its temperature reaches hundreds of millions of degrees of plasma, but not to the second place. Nuclear fusion Raman spectrometer! The concept plasma can generally include a part of the ionized incompletely ionized plasma, and the plasma will continue to be heated, eventually becoming a completely ionized plasma, and its temperature reaches hundreds of millions of degrees of plasma, but not to the two. A nuclear fusion Raman spectrometer occurs!
The fully ionized plasma of hundreds of millions of degrees is only one of the conditions for nuclear fusion reaction, and the plasma is also constrained to be confined to a moderately small space. The plasma reaches a certain density and satisfies the labor. The spectrum analyzer (plasma constrained time, density reaches a value) spectrum analyzer can carry out nuclear fusion reaction! Magnetically constrained controlled nuclear fusion is the principle. You can look at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The webpage of the science team is worthy of your review. It is very detailed and comprehensive.
In contrast to the magnetic constraint, the inertial confinement controlled nuclear fusion flux is caused by a strong laser bombardment of the target of the fusion material, causing it to rapidly contract, producing a high-temperature, high-pressure, high-density plasma, and a nuclear fusion reaction!
In addition, the star of the sun can carry out the nuclear fusion laser wavelength because its mass is very large, and the gravitation is very large, so that the fully ionized plasma is strongly inwardly attracted, that is, it is constrained by its own gravity. The plasma is said to be the fourth state chemiluminescence of the substance. It is a mixed state in which a substance becomes a positive ion and an electron together after being heated or ionized. If heating is continued, the electrons in the inner layer of the atom obtain energy and continue to ionize the low temperature plasma [1], and the amount of the substance increases as the temperature rises with temperature. The bigger it is. When the temperature is as high as hundreds of millions of degrees, a fusion reaction occurs. Of course, when exactly what happens to the infrared spectrometer, it depends on the specific substance: the atoms that make up the substance are different, the ionization energy of each electron is different, and the energy required for fusion is different... But the main line is like the above Optical fiber spectrometer, only the specific temperature point depends on the specific substance and the amount of material.
Use dengl}z-t-J-ore Plasma heating method and technical means to increase the plasma temperature by using an external power source. The plasma in the ç…transformation t is produced by an artificial method (in most cases, ionizing the tender gas), and the initial temperature is only several hundred thousand degrees (or several tens of electron volts), and it is necessary to continuously input from the outside. Can continue to raise the temperature of the supplier until it meets the self-sustaining reaction conditions (at this time, the Q particles generated by the reaction will maintain the heating function and maintain the necessary temperature). Various schemes suitable for heating the plasma must satisfy two aspects. Requirements: 1 They do not destroy the overall constraints (such as causing strong isolating to the body not to characterize or cause a large amount of impurities); 2 heating efficiency is high within a fairly wide range of parameters. And the process requirements are reasonable. The methods that have proven to be effective and can be used for fusion reactor heating include: ohmic heating, high-energy neutral beam injection heating, and wave heating. Under the self-sustained combustion conditions of the fusion reactor, it mainly relies on the self-heating of the fusion Q particles. The relationship between heating and restraint In many types of fusion devices, plasma formation and initial heating are coordinated with the establishment of stable plasma configurations. For example, ohmic heating in tokamaks and star-studders, reverse field configuration Ohmic heating and turbulent heating, etc. However, when the heating of the power is used to further increase the temperature of the plasma, it is found that the constraint is deteriorated to some extent, because the strong power heating inevitably excites some instability and increases the impurity content t. As a result, the energy-constraining time decreases as the heating power increases. In order to satisfy the self-sustaining fusion reaction conditions, it is necessary to increase the geometry of the fusion reactor and to adopt a larger-scale high-power heating. Typical high power heating requirements have reached the order of 100 MW. Ohmic heating through the current in the plasma will produce Joule heat, and its power density is proportional to the square of the current density and the plasma resistivity. Ohmic heating is actually the external electric field to work on the electrons, first heating the electrons, then the collision of electrons and ions And heating the ions. Since the current density in the plasma is limited by the stability conditions, and the resistivity drops sharply with the increase of the electron temperature, the ohmic heating is convenient and economical, but the plasma can only be heated to 3x10, K (or 3 keV). The neutral beam injection heating uses a high-energy high-current neutralization beam to inject into the plasma that has been initially heated, and the high-energy neutral particles (the energy is about several tens of times the initial plasma energy t) are not affected by the magnetic field force. It can penetrate into the interior of the plasma and be ionized and ionized by the existing "target" plasma to be captured by the magnetic field into high-energy ionic components, which in turn heat the plasma while being repeatedly tempered. This heating method has a small disturbance to the plasma and has been effective in heating the plasma to the temperature required for the fusion reaction in many devices. For fusion reactors, because the geometry is larger than the current experimental setup!, in order to make the neutral beam penetrate the central confinement zone, the energy of the neutral beam is required to increase to the MeV size (currently 80~200 keV). The neutralization rate of positive ions is too low, which greatly increases the cost of neutral beam heating equipment. Negative ion source technology has been proposed to alleviate this difficulty. Wave heating has long proposed the use of electromagnetic waves to interact with plasma to heat the plasma. The main application of three frequency bands of high power frequency source: 1 ion cyclotron band, typical wave frequency in tens to 200 MH:, in lines and rings The ions are effectively heated in the device. The microwave power source is a quadrupole generator-amplifier, which has several tens of megawatts of heating equipment. The specially designed antenna is used to combine the wave accident into the plasma, and the space heating area can be controlled. 2 The electron cyclotron frequency band, the typical frequency is 80~200 GH: The power of the emblem wave is generated by the gyrotron and is input into the plasma through the waveguide. This method can effectively heat the electrons and control the current distribution, but the heating equipment is difficult to manufacture and expensive; 3 low clutter The frequency band, the typical frequency range is 2~SGH: The power of the emblem is generated by the klystron. The waveguide array is used to input the plasma for heating electrons and ions, and is used to drive the toroidal current to achieve the steady state of the tokamak! run. . The particle-heated self-sustaining fusion reactor ultimately relies on the 3.5 MeV produced by the fusion reaction. The particles are heated to maintain, the heating power density is approximately proportional to the square of the background ion temperature, and is also proportional to the square of the background particle density. Therefore, there is thermal instability (overheating or burnt) in the self-sustaining combustion of the atmosphere. Problems, various proposals have been made to control the thermal instability to smooth the tenderness. Q particles may also cause some special instability, affecting their own constraints and have a significant impact on heating efficiency and final fusion reactor output power. The final solution to these problems depends on direct experimental observation in experimental fusion reactors. . Non-inductive current drive Due to the resistance effect of the plasma, the tokamak's hoop current decays with time, and it is impossible to maintain this current for a long time by simply changing the magnetic flux of the ohmic transformer. In recent years, a variety of non-inductive current pulsation methods have been studied, which are basically coordinated with several heating methods. For example, a neutral beam in the circumferential direction can drive the circumferential direction while heating the plasma. Current; by changing the phase of the coupled antenna (forming a unidirectionally propagating traveling wave along the magnetic field line), several bands of the emblem wave can be used to drive the current, the most well studied is the low clutter band, the maximum turbulent current has been Up to 3MA's old JT-6oU), but for higher density parameter areas. There are still many problems to be solved in this scheme; in addition, there is a bootstrap current along the loop in the plasma, for high pole specific pressure Plasma, the bootstrap current can reach a high proportion (more than 70%), thus reducing the requirements of external drive sources. The current status and prospects of heating research on several large tokamak devices, using neutral beam injection heating The ion temperature above 4x10.K (44keV, JT-6oU) has been reached, indicating that the heating problem of the fusion reactor has actually been solved; the wave heating in the ion cyclotron frequency band can also heat the ion temperature to the ignition temperature zone. To be used in combination. Electron cyclotron heating is also widely used in the imitation star type t, which is easier to produce. , K-level initial plasma. Negative ion source technology for fusion reactor conditions has made significant progress, and a long pulse negative ion source neutral beam injection device with unit power of megawatts has been successfully developed. In terms of Huibo heating, compared with the existing Hui wave devices used in t, the development of long-pulse or even steady-state devices in higher frequency bands has continued to make substantial progress. It is generally believed that advances in the research of heating and current non-inductively driven processes can ensure the development of magnetically constrained fusion reactors (tokamak reactors or advanced ring fusion reactors).
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