Shell's twelve life-saving rules

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Meeting notice

The 4th Chemical Industry Hazard Analysis and Risk Control Seminar

July 30, 2015 -31 days in Huizhou, Guangdong

Co-sponsored: China Chemical Safety Association,

CNOOC Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd.,

Sichuan Mechanical Research and Design Institute

Website: http://

Registration consultation phone: 010-64463877

Xiaobian point of view
Shell Oil Company enforced 12 “life-saving rules” . Through accident data analysis, a large percentage of deaths and injuries in the oil industry are a violation of these “life-saving rules”. Statistics show that in all Shell deaths, the percentage of deaths due to violations of the “life-saving rules” exceeded 50%. On the other hand, obeying the law of life-saving can save lives; this is why Shell has enforced (implemented) 12 "life-saving rules" this year.

Violation of any of items 1-9 of the life-saving rule , three warnings and dismissal. Violation of any of items 10-11 of the life-saving rule , dismissal after two warnings. Violation of the 12th item of the life-saving rule , direct dismissal. We can see that Shell is the most restrictive in terms of transportation , precisely because most fatal accidents are caused by traffic.

(Source: Health, Safety and Environmental Protection Assistant)

[Editor: Chen Guofang]

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Meeting notice

The 2nd China International Chemical Process Safety Seminar and Chemical Safety Technology and Equipment Exhibition jointly organized by China Chemical Safety Association and the International Cooperation and Cooperation Center of the State Administration of Work Safety will be held from September 22 to 24, 2015. The day was held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province.

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