SJB-D60-type manual pump working principle and instructions for use

SJB-D60 type manual pump has the characteristics of simple installation, light weight and durability. Even the best instrument to use the correct use of the correct use of the instrument can effectively extend the service life of the following to make small for everyone to introduce SJB-D60 type manual pump working principle and instructions for use. SJB-D60-type manual pump working principle and instructions Working principle When the operating handle downward movement, the upper chamber closing the piston cavity volume becomes smaller, the grease along the delivery hose to the oil reservoir, the lower part of the piston volume gradually becomes variable Large, forming a negative pressure, open the suction piece, the oil drum inhalation of grease. When the handle moves upwards, the piston cavity creates a negative pressure, the upper flap opens, the suction piece closes and the grease enters the upper piston chamber. When the handle moves down again, repeat the above process. Instructions 1, the use of oil hose at one end connected to the pump outlet, the other end of the oil supply port, after use the other end should be screwed on the lid bolts. 2, the grease used must be clean, uniform texture, within the specified range of grades. 3, should always check the amount of oil barrel, in order to avoid non-fat inhalation of air mixed with oil storage. Further reading: China's top ten brands Motor Show ptc exhibition building water pump valves water pipe fittings Exhibition Fair article belongs to Internet industry (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. All are welcome to reprint, please indicate the source and author of: Asia Pump Network Editor: gogoing (QQ / WeChat:) Starting: (Service Hotline:)

Famous Paintings

Famous paintings refer to paintings with far-reaching influence and value, namely famous paintings. The so-called value is reflected in the author's own painting skills. The painting skills of the author of a valuable painting must be exquisite and unique. At the very least, they must have their own style and be different from others, so that they can be concerned. Secondly, it is not enough to have exquisite level, but also to reflect a spirit and a thought on the screen, that is to say, we should use painting to express our aspiration, and use artistic techniques to express something of a higher and deeper level.

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