New fusion fuel may reduce Mars travel to three months

Humans have been in space for some time, but we did not actually go very far. Carl Sagan once said: "The surface of the earth is the coast of the oceans of the universe, and we have only recently trekked a path, perhaps only ankles." That was in the 1980s, and since then we have not Try to venture into deeper waters. One of the reasons is that the universe is so vast and far-reaching. The Voyager 1 is the fastest man-made object ever, but the speed of 17 kilometers per second is negligible for the speed of light.

Relying on a traditional spacecraft engine, even the arrival of our nearest neighbor, Mars, can take 6 to 8 months. The concept of a curvature engine is still at the theoretical stage and is unlikely to be achieved in our lifetime. However, using a "dual lithium crystal" fusion fuel may be possible to reduce the Mars travel time to 3 months.

In the science fiction series, this crystal is a rare material that takes a lot of time for the crew to search, and their engines can use this crystal to fly faster than the speed of light. The engine is currently under development at a team at Huntsville University, which teamed up with Boeing, NASA, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory to develop the engine. By contrast, the speed of this engine will reach twice the current state-of-the-art technology.

According to GE's technology journal Txchnologist, the fusion reactor will add "several metric tons" of germanium crystals (a heavy hydrogen isotope) and lithium-6 (a stable lithium molecule) crystal as a fuel. The bilithium crystal is a molecule composed of two covalent lithium atoms, and lithium-6 has six bonded atoms. When neodymium and lithium-6 are pressed together under high pressure, they will undergo fusion reaction.

This engine and the rest of the spacecraft will be constructed in space to avoid the complex engineering difficulties encountered by all precision fusion equipment as it travels through the atmosphere, just like the International Space Station. Once ready, this reactor will be put into use, millions of amps of current will be passed through the ultra-thin lithium line with 100 nanosecond pulses, which can generate 3 trillion watts of electricity.

The energy produced by nuclear fusion will be returned to the spacecraft through the “magnetic nozzle”. This part of the assembly team is also under development. What is the highest possible speed of this engine? More than 100,000 kilometers per hour, about the same speed as the Earth orbiting the sun. However, as pointed out in the “Commercial Internal Reference”, this technology may be used for commercial or scientific purposes only if the US military allows it.

However, the double lithium crystal in Star Trek is not just a molecule with two lithium atoms. It has always been said to be its own element. If its atomic number follows normal practice, it will be located in the Between the two. But we can probably assume that the bi-lithium crystals are a little different and that the observance of molecular physics is unknown to our current rough science.

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