Mosaic construction common sense how to buy mosaic

How to buy mosaics? Merchants Bao introduces the common sense of mosaic construction and the method of mosaic selection. First of all, pay attention to the mosaic in the bathroom, you need to put water glue, and now the most common construction method is "108 glue + cement + caulking agent".

Paper-linked mosaic: Since the paper is attached to the front side of the mosaic, the construction step is to first brush the cement, then call the caulking agent on the back of the paper, add glue, paste the mosaic, remove the paper, then brush the grout and wipe it clean. The paper was removed during construction to reveal the front of the mosaic.

Mosaic of net connection: Since the net is attached to the back of the mosaic, the cement is directly brushed during construction, glued, mosaiced, and finally the grout is filled, that is, its net is finally connected to the mosaic.

Connection method

Generally connected with paper is a glass mosaic, a moiré mosaic, a gold mosaic, and a ceramic mosaic. The paper connection is usually paper attached to the front of the mosaic; the plastic mesh connection includes crystal mosaic, bread brick and free stone ceramic mosaic, stone mosaic, and the net connection is generally attached to the back of the mosaic.

There are many specifications for mosaics on the market. In the building materials store, “film” is the smallest sales unit. In other words, you have to buy at least “one piece”. The thickness of the glass mosaic is 2 mm to 3 mm, and the thickness of the ceramic mosaic is about 4 mm. The thickness of the stone is relatively large, generally about 1 cm. Since the mosaic area is very small, it is sold as a "piece", which is a combination of a plurality of mosaic monomers connected by paper or plastic mesh.

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