The main purpose of the flow field and temperature field calculation in the casting process is to predict the shrinkage shrinkage that may occur in the casting, optimize the process design, and control the internal quality of the casting.
By simulating the casting process on a computer, the distribution of temperature field, flow field and stress field of each stage of casting can be obtained, and the generation and location of defects can be predicted. By comparing various process plans and selecting the optimal process, the product quality can be greatly improved and the product yield can be improved.
3.2.2 Numerical simulation software for casting process [5]
After years of research and development, there have been a large number of commercial numerical simulation software for casting processes in the world, indicating that this technology has matured. Most of these softwares can simulate the temperature field, stress field and flow field in sand casting, metal casting, precision casting and pressure casting. It can predict the defects such as shrinkage, porosity, crack and deformation of castings and various parts of castings. The fiber organization and data transformation interface with the CAD entity model can be used for finite element analysis.
ProCAST is currently the most successful casting process simulation software. It is particularly useful in the development and production of complex, thin-walled and near-net castings. It is currently the only system that can perform heat transfer-flow-stress coupling analysis on the casting process. The software is mainly composed of eight modules: finite element meshing, heat transfer analysis and pre- and post-processing, flow analysis, stress analysis, thermal radiation analysis, microstructure analysis, electromagnetic induction analysis, reverse solution and so on.
It simulates most problems and physical phenomena in the casting process. In the analysis of the technical filling process, it can provide the influence of gas, filtration, high pressure and rotation on the filling of castings, and can simulate the filling process of almost all casting processes such as lost foam casting, low pressure casting and centrifugal casting. And simulate the filling process of injection molding, waxing mold and pressed powder materials. ProCAST can solve heat transfer, convection and heat radiation problems, especially through the "grey body net radiation" model, making it better at solving the problem of precision casting, especially single crystal casting. The elastoplastic and viscoplastic models are used for stress, which makes it possible to analyze the stress and deformation of castings.
A simple model mesh can be generated directly at ProCAST when analyzing castings. Complex models can be generated by software such as IDEAS. After meshing, the *.unv universal exchange file is output. The file should have node and unit information. The Meshcast module reads the mesh file and outputs the tetrahedral unit for pre-processing. PreCast defines the parameters such as material, interface heat transfer, boundary conditions, and casting speed. Finally, the calculation is performed by the ProCAST module.
Using IDEAS and ProCAST, we simulated the solidification process of an engine component. Due to the thin size of the part, the crack and deformation are easy to occur during the casting process. Through the simulation, the structure of the pouring system is optimized to reduce stress concentration, prevent deformation and cracking, and obtain obvious effects.
in conclusion:
1. CA precision casting technology combined with computer-aided engineering and precision casting has strong versatility, which can shorten the development cycle and save development costs;
2. The combination of IDEAS and RPOCAST can simulate the casting process of complex parts.
3. The computer solidification simulation technology can be used for the design and optimization of the casting system of complex parts, and can accurately predict the defects and their position and deformation cracking tendency, and is used to guide the optimization of the gating system.
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