The night before, at the village of Beimen, Qimen Town, Yuyao City, a man fell into a well that was 10 meters deep when he overhauled the pumping machine. Local fire departments, police stations and other departments rushed to the scene to help. After pumping water overnight, the man was rescued at 7:00 a.m. yesterday but he was killed.
A man surnamed Ye, more than 50 years old. The accident site is a sewage pipe network reconstruction site. Master Yeh and his wife are pumping water at this sewage pool on the same day. The wellhead is about 60 cm in diameter and emits stench in the underground. According to Ye’s wife’s wife, her husband’s climbed down to see the situation as a result of the breakdown of the pumping equipment that had gone down. It may be that the underground gas is poisonous and it takes a long time to go down. Master Ye climbed out of the wellhead, and after a soft foot, she fell into the sewage well again.
After receiving the alarm, Yuyao Yao North Fire Squadron, Qimen Town Police Station and other units sent people to rescue immediately. Firefighter Xiao Zhou said that underground is dark, foul smelling, and it may accumulate a lot of sludge, smelly water and so on. Taking into account that underground gas may be toxic, firefighters put air respirator into the well and use a hook to clean up the underground debris. However, deep underground sewage is very deep, and search and rescue are quickly plunged into a difficult situation.
“Don't look at the wellhead, it can have a lot of underground space, and it is connected to other pipe networks. There is sewage at a depth of 6 or 7 meters. It can't determine the location of people trapped and it can't be deepened.†The firefighters said that they hurriedly dispatched large-scale Pumping equipment for pumping operations, at the same time, let professional divers drill down many times to search.
8 o'clock that evening, large-scale pumping equipment arrived at the scene. The on-site commander first allowed the excavator to intercept the pipeline, and then pumped water overnight. As of 5 o'clock yesterday morning, the water in the pipeline was completely drained. After more than two hours of underground search and rescue, trapped people were eventually salvaged and 120 trapped doctors confirmed that the trapped were dead.
According to the 120 emergency doctors on site, there may be toxic and harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide in the sewage wells. Once inhaled, the respiratory wells will rapidly restrain, shock, and even die. It is understood that the deceased Master Yeh did not wear any protective poisoning equipment before going downhole and was extremely vulnerable to poisoning. At present, the local police have been involved in the investigation and handling of the case.
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