In general, the following three principles should be taken into consideration:
1, the degree of corrosion
According to different operations, the wear of labor protection articles can be divided into heavy corrosion operations, medium corrosion operations, and light corrosion operations. The degree of corrosion can reflect the operating environment and the use of the type of work.
2, loss situation
According to the degree of protection function degradation can be divided into vulnerable to loss, moderate loss and mandatory scrap. The loss status reflects the protection performance of the product.
3, durable performance
According to the use cycle can be divided into durable, medium durable and not durable. The durability performance reflects the material condition of labor protection articles, such as flame-retardant protective clothing made of high-temperature flame-retardant fiber fabrics, and durable than flame-retardant protective clothing made of flame-retardant fabrics treated with flame retardants. Durability reflects the overall quality of protective equipment.
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Acid Dyes
An acid dye is a dye which is a salt of a sulfuric, carboxylic or phenolic organic acid. The salts are often sodium or ammonium salts. Acid dyes are typically soluble in water and possess affinity for amphoteric fibers while lacking direct dyes' affinity for cellulose fibers. When dyeing, ionic bonding with fiber cationic sites accounts for fixation of colored anions in the dyed material. Acids are added to dyeing baths to increase the number of protonated amino-groups in fibers.
Some acid dyes are used as food colorants.
Acid Dyes
Acid Orange,Acid Black 194,Acid Black 210,Acid Dyes Acid Red