Analyze the current applications and development prospects of biometrics

In the near future, you will no longer be bothered by the fact that you cannot open your home without a key. As long as you stand at your doorstep and pass the verification of the face recognition system set up on the door, the door will automatically open for you; when you come home, you Do not use hands-on operation of various home appliances, as long as open mouth, order them, washing machines, televisions, microwave ovens to perform their duties; do not have to worry about not remember the bank card password, through the identification of the iris recognition system, you can directly Deposit and withdrawal...

Why biometrics technology is reliable? Sun Zhenan, an associate researcher at the Institute of Automation at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told reporters that each person’s body and behavior hides some unusual information. Biometrics technology uses computers and high-tech instruments to collect images and convert them into Multimedia, such as graphics, voice, video, etc., extracts unique characteristics from individuals and forms values ​​into databases.

When it is necessary to identify the identity of a person, only the values ​​that describe his personal characteristics are put into the database. When the entered value matches the value in the database, the system can automatically identify it. Sun Zhenan made an analogy. "It's like we are walking down the street. We can always identify old acquaintances among a bunch of strangers. Because the characteristics of old acquaintances are already in our minds and they will be encountered later." With these characteristics, memories are aroused and they quickly identify their identities."

"That means that the value must be stored in the database beforehand, otherwise the database cannot be identified?"

"Indeed," Sunzhan Nan patiently explained in the face of reporters' questions. "Like the Wenchuan earthquake, many identities of the victims could not be confirmed. The state sent a large amount of manpower to collect DNA samples from the victims and establish a DNA. The database will help the families of the victims to find out in the future. The family members can use their own blood samples to compare with the DNA samples in the database to find out their relatives from the database.”

"In fact, this match is not a 100% match, it's just a similarity. We need to set a threshold in advance, and when the result of the match meets or exceeds this threshold, we determine the identity. The thresholds set by the technology are not the same. Of course, each threshold setting must be scientific and accurate."

“In other words, we have stored information with personal identities in advance and built a database. Once we rely on our physical characteristics, we can prove identity.”

"This is the case. Just store our personal characteristics in your ID card so that no one can fake your ID card."

How do biometrics technologies work through the disguise? What principles do the biometrics use?

In various biometric technologies, face recognition is the most common. The system calculates the distances, angles, and sizes of facial contours, facial brows, eyes, noses, and mouths that are not easily changed on the face, and forms values ​​that are stored in the database. When the value formed by the tester matches the one in the database, it is identified. The normal face recognition system occupies less space, so it can be used in some hidden situations to capture images from a distance.

The police said that at present, the second-generation ID image recognition system library has been basically completed, and identification work can be carried out normally. In the key junctions, window units, and airport entrances and exits, the portrait recognition system probes are set up to detect suspicious individuals at the first time.

Some people may think that biometrics are not as imaginative as they are. "You said that with odors you can judge people's identities. Can you tell if you can apply perfume?"

Indeed, as we usually think, smells are easily affected by the outside world.

The use of cosmetics has changed the smell of our body. But in addition to the odors that constantly change with the external environment, our bodies also carry a special odor. This part of the odor is determined by genes, so it has a strong stability, and this smell is the taste pattern recognition. The test object. Using an electronic nose or a police dog, you can tell the unique smell of each person. The use of Weiwen identification technology in criminal investigation, repeated meritorious service is an undisputed fact.

"Is speech recognition really useful? I can suppress the arpeggio. Can the system recognize it? If someone disguises my voice, can the system recognize it?" Don't underestimate speech recognition technology. It's not simply comparing sounds. It converts the collected sounds into numerical values ​​and compares the numerical values. Even if someone records your voice with a very good instrument, although it sounds the same, but the sound signal from analog to digital, and then from digital to analog, experienced two signal conversion process, the sound spectrum has changed, voice recognition technology It can be distinguished.

Sun Zhenan told reporters that biometrics technologies have been developed in China, and there are also some local innovations in specific areas such as fingerprints, irises, portraits, DNA, and veins. In addition, China has also started the development of palmprint recognition technology. The palmprint is mainly to capture the palm image from the end of the finger to the wrist. Because the palmprint is controlled by a genetic gene, even if the palm of the hand is injured and the wound heals, the palm line grows as it is and therefore has stability. Even if the twins are born, the palm prints cannot be completely the same. Therefore, it is promising to use palm prints as the object of biological recognition.

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