Trap selection and maintenance

I. Problems with the Old Selection Criteria for Traps: After seven years of monitoring and experimentation with Trap Performance at the Royal Chemical Industries Industrial Estate in Huddersfield and Grangemouth (England), the first experiment at two manufacturers Based on the monitoring and experimentation of the trap performance and fresh steam loss carried out by the Chamber, Royal Chemical Industry Chemical eventually modified the selection of the trap in its Engineering Design Guidelines. After the change of the new "guidance" includes trap selection table. The old selection criteria for traps have a number of drawbacks, most notably the lack of reference to the type of hydrophobic equipment and methods of hydrophobicity. The chosen trap often does not match the actual load. In particular, thermodynamic disc traps, the foundations of the old selection criteria, were mistakenly considered as universal traps by people, especially shop floor personnel. 1. Steam supervisor trap life is too short. 2. Trap performance has failed, and the actual load selection does not match. 3. As the most widely used thermodynamic disc traps, the worst energy-saving, but also with inverted bucket traps, the life expectancy is very short. 4. bimetal traps easily unstable. Trap Selection Tips: After the change of the new "guidance" includes traps selection table. Steam traps selection tips: 1. inverted bucket traps: as the first choice for all process loads and steam main traps, that is, all the need for steam hydrophobic occasions. 2. Float thermostatic trap: for process hydrophobics, especially for applications with controlled loads up to 50 kg (50 psig) or where air content is high and inverted bucket traps are problematic. 3. Balanced Pressure Traps: Used as a non-critical heat tracing or heating system. 4. Bimetal thermosyphon trap: for heating pipelines or heating system low temperature or frost conditions. This type of trap allows to maximize the use of sensible heat in the condensate or to prevent overheating of the product. The valve body is all stainless steel. 5. Thermodynamic Disc Traps: As an alternative to inverted bucket traps, as long as previous experience demonstrates that they perform well, they are used for restricted use on steam supervisors and tracing pipes under pressures up to 17 kg, or as products Replace for higher vapor pressure. Not recommended because of its low energy efficiency and short lifetime (and not allowed at Huddersfield and Grangemouth). 6. In the heat less demanding occasions, the use of thermosyphon steam traps to replace the thermodynamic disc traps will improve energy efficiency, while ensuring the service life. 7. Mechanical traps (ie, inverted bucket and float trap) ensure that steam does not contain condensate no matter whether the condensate load is large or the load is low. However, the thermosyphon tends to accumulate and condense when the load increases water.

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