What are the effects of soundproofing cotton?

As a common building material, it has good sound-absorbing properties and has a wide range of uses. For example, it can be made into wall panels, ceilings, and space acoustic absorbers, which can absorb a large amount of acoustic energy in the room and thus reduce noise. intrusion, while in some of the auto industry, but also often see figure cotton insulation, sound-absorbing cotton effect then what are? Here you go and see together with the small series.

What are the effects of sound insulation wool

1, many people will use this material on the door, can effectively become dull and heavy sound, from the original voice into a buzzing sound, make people sound more comfortable, but also can effectively reduce the chassis metal Fatigue, prolong the service life of the car body, as well as the cushioning performance of shock absorption is obviously improved.

2. For some economic cars, their waterproof performance is generally very low, so if you open the door immediately after washing or storming, you can clearly see the beads and traces of water seeping into the door. It is easy to rust the door of the sheet metal, and after the door is soundproofed, the soundproof cotton is directly adhered to the door iron sheet. The good waterproof performance of the soundproof cotton will effectively prevent the contact between the water vapor and the door sheet metal and play an anti-rust effect.

3, this kind of material's heat insulation effect is also very good, applies it to the automobile, can reduce the engine spreads to the hood the surface the heat, installs the hood soundproof cotton the vehicle in the rainy day basically does not produce the white fog.

How much is a soundproof cotton

Due to the difference in quality, the price is also different. According to the product's material, bulk density, color, specifications, fire resistance and environmental protection and many other factors, resulting in different prices of insulation cotton, for example, fiberglass insulation cotton into cotton rolls There are two types of cotton board, the former is a few pieces to several tens of dollars per flat, while the latter is at 15 to 20 yuan per flat, and the price of polyester-acid-insulated cotton is relatively high. It is mainly used in crowded places. At 20~30 yuan per flat.

Soundproof cotton purchase notes

Due to the fluffy structure of this type of product, there are many holes that communicate with each other inside and outside, and the texture is well-distributed, the aspect ratio is strong, the touch is soft, and the surface is smooth. At the time of purchase, it is recommended to purchase non-flammable or flame-retardant fire-retardant materials to meet fire safety standards. , have certain environmental protection functions in order to protect people's physical and mental health.

Summary: Well, the above is about the role of the soundproof cotton which is introduced, I hope to provide you with some help, I believe that in the future selection of soundproofing cotton, friends will be more handy, to buy their own products.

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