How to operate the automatic variable ratio group tester, Xiaobian Shengxu Electric tells you:
1. Link:
Turn off the power switch of the instrument, A, B, and C of the instrument are connected to the high voltage end of the transformer, and a, b, and c are connected to the low voltage end. The neutral point of the transformer is not connected to the instrument or the ground. Connect the instrument ground wire. Plug one end of the power cord into the power socket on the instrument panel, and connect the other end to the AC 220V power supply.
Note: Do not reverse the high and low voltage of the transformer!
2. Turn on the power switch of the instrument, and the main menu will appear on the LCD screen later. At this time, press the "↑" key to select the function menu.
Press the "OK" key to execute the corresponding function.
Note: When the menu is selected, the menu text is displayed in reverse (white text on a black background); press the button and release the button to enter the key once.
3. Connection method setting, after entering the wiring method setting, the LCD screen displays: Press the "↑" key to select the connection method (single-phase, Yy, Y / d, Dd, D / y).
Press "OK" to save the connection and return to the main menu.
Note: When measuring three-phase transformers, do not know the wiring method, please select Dy.
4. Set the transformation ratio. After entering the transformation ratio setting, the LCD screen displays: At this time, press the "→" key to select the data bit, and the selected data is displayed in reverse.
Press "↑" "↓" to modify the data.
After selecting the number, press the "↑" "↓" key, the number changes from 0 to 9 cyclically, if it is the ** digit, the number can only change from 1 to 9 without 0.
Select the decimal point and press the "↑" "↓" key, the decimal point moves in a loop.
Press "OK" to save the data and return to the main menu
5. After 5 minutes of warm-up, the measurement can be started. After the measurement is completed,
After each measurement is completed, the instrument automatically saves the data, save 20 more data, more than 20 ** all data, and start from 1.
** The left side of the line shows the position of the current data in the historical data, and the right side shows the number of historical data.
The second behavior group.
The left side of the third line is the transformation ratio of the AB phase, and the right side is the relative error of the AB phase, and so on.
If testing a single-phase transformer, only the first three lines are displayed.
If the relative error of the measured transformation ratio is greater than 10%, display "> 10%", if the relative error of the measured transformation ratio is less than -10%, display "<-10%"
Press the "↑" key to view the data.
Press the "â†" key to enter the print menu, you can print this data. Print all data, you can ** all historical data.
Press the "OK" button to return to the main menu.

Ningbo Wason Lighting Technology Co.,Ltd ,