Several countermeasures for rebound of curved forming parts

Many of the curved parts produced by our company are made by mould. Some parts are affected by their shape. When they are taken out of the mold after forming, the elastic stress remaining in the bent portion slightly increases the elastic angle. Due to the recovery of the elastic deformation, the workpiece is rebounded, and the workpiece after the rebound does not meet the size requirements of the pattern.

Industrial Syringe Pump

An Industrial Syringe Pump is a high-profile OEM product with compact
structure and support for open integration. It is mainly used for customized equipment and instruments. It turns out that the syringe pump is so useful for High-precision and complex multi-command fluid processing such as bacterial culture, sampling and testing, biological analysis, microfluidic chip automatic slide chromosome analysis, and DNA sequencing. High precision Ultra stable Programmable Easy to integrate Long life Multi-function Powerful instruction operating system Automatic transmission / automatic dilution / automatic dispensing / automatic dripping / automatic
·Transmission Basic transmission/delayed transmission/multi-level command transmission
Example: High-precision dosing, cyclic proportional dilution, and timing drainage
One-time extraction divided transmission Basic filling/delayed filling/multi-level command filling
Example: Extract infractions and transmit at once (Note: The speed is adjustable, and the single transfer volume is adjustable; the user can directly select the
stored instructions-15 groups.) Controlled by PC software input instructions, it can automatically complete complex and extensive fluid
processing (transmission/dilution/distribution/dropping), providing a more stable and efficient solution for
the high-precision transmission of trace fluids.

Industrial Syringe Pump,Custom Industrial Syringe Pump,Automatic Industrial Syringe Pump,New Industrial Syringe Pump

Baoding Chuangrui Precision Pump Co., Ltd. ,

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