Clever paint quality

The paint is a decorative material with high usage rate in home decoration. Because of its bright and colorful colors, strong decorative effect, and simple and convenient construction, it is deeply loved by consumers. As a layman, how do consumers look at the quality of paint? We can look at the paint quality in two ways:

First look at the water solution. After the coating has been stored for a period of time, the coating will appear to be delaminated, the coating particles will sink, and a layer of water solution will form in more than a quarter of the upper layer. We can see that the liquid is colorless or yellowish when selected. Clear and clean, with no floaters or very little, which means that the paint is of good quality. If the gum solution is turbid, showing a lot of paint color or the number of internal floaters, even covered with the surface of the solution, indicating that the quality of the coating is not good or the storage shelf life is over, should not be used.

Second, look at the fineness of the paint particles. We can test with a glass of clear water. Take a small amount of paint into the water, gently stir, if the water in the glass is still crystal clear, paint particles in the water is relatively independent, there is no adhesion phenomenon, and the particle size is more uniform, indicating that the paint quality is very good. If agitated, the water in the cup becomes turbid immediately, and the size of the particles is differentiated, indicating that the quality of the coating is not sufficient, and it is not necessary to do so.

In addition, while choosing, you should also pay attention to the product's brand image and people's reputation, these are a side reflection of product quality assurance.

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