The demand for pedal shears in the sheet metal processing industry is unavoidable. The input of pedal shears can meet the stricter requirements of advanced production companies both in hardware and in production efficiency. China's shearers are mainly smaller machines. Such machines can be more easily applied to small food production lines, which saves space and can effectively increase production efficiency. And its procurement convenience, the operating system according to domestic custom design and other advantages have also been accepted by many manufacturers.
The second type of sheet metal machinery is a relatively new type of product under the packaging technology - pneumatic shears: pneumatic folding machine is the main feature is the use of compressed air as a working medium for energy transfer, so as to achieve the purpose of machine operation. For example, sheet metal folding machines such as manual folding machines rely on pneumatic technology to achieve good hemming effects. Pneumatic technology has now developed into a more mature sheet metal technology.
There is also a sheet metal machine that also has a large share in the current market - equipment for small-scale processing plants, in the processing of ultra-thin sheets and short sheet metal, due to the need to shear each sheet metal shear plate . The use of single-chip microcomputer control to replace the original relay control for the small-scale shears greatly simplifies the operation of the machine, a higher degree of automation, and effectively improve the shearing speed of the product.
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