Potassium fertilizer can help crops resist disease

In recent years, increasing the application of potassium fertilizer and continuously supplementing the loss of soil potassium has become one of the effective measures for high yield and stable yield of crops. It is not difficult to understand that the technology that can make crops robust and grow well will also improve the stress resistance of crops, including drought resistance, cold resistance and disease resistance.
In 1998, the continued drought in parts of China highlighted the effect of using potassium fertilizer on winter rapeseed. The reason is that potassium fertilizer promotes root development and is beneficial to water absorption. On the other hand, potassium increases the osmotic pressure of cell fluid, maintains the elasticity of cell walls, and reduces the loss of water; plus potassium opens and closes the pores. The regulation effect is more and less, and the drought resistance is naturally obvious.
Potassium fertilizer is also very effective in enhancing the disease resistance of crops, especially for fungi that attack roots, stems, and bacterial diseases such as root rot, stem rot, Phytophthora, and Pythium. This is because potassium can make plant cell wall thickening, stalk toughness, anti-parasitic invasion and expansion in the body, while potassium can promote the conversion of low-molecular compounds such as amino acids and monosaccharides in crops into protein, cellulose and starch. The substance of the polymer, such that the pathogen lacks a nutrient source, thereby exerting a disease prevention and disease resistance effect. Many experiments have shown that adequate potassium nutrition can reduce rice blast, brown blight, sheath blight; corn stem blight, smut; wheat scab, powdery mildew and tobacco mosaic The extent and harm of the disease.
In some places, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer causes rice blast, rice brown spot, rice sheath blight, barley brown rust, wheat scab and some leaf spot diseases, and most of the diseases can be significantly alleviated after applying potassium fertilizer. "The potash is like a pesticide". In fact, potassium can not directly kill the bacteria, but help the crops resist and inhibit the bacteria. Its disease prevention effect is relatively slow. Once you have a climate that is very suitable for the disease, you should still use symptomatic pesticides when the disease is likely to be prevalent. In addition, it also emphasizes balanced fertilization. Potassium fertilizer can only play a role in increasing production and preventing disease when used in combination with other fertilizers. The application rate is not as high as possible.
Author: Xiao Yue Yan (The author is a senior consultant Sinochem fertilizer, China Agricultural University)
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