High temperature gear pump common fault phenomenon 1: High temperature gear pump can not discharge the cause of the malfunction: 1, the opposite direction of rotation; 2, suction or discharge valve is closed; 3, the inlet without material or pressure is too low; 4, viscosity is too high, the pump Can not bite high temperature gear pump can not discharge the fault solution: 1, confirm the direction of rotation; 2, confirm whether the valve is closed; 3, check the valve and pressure gauge; 4, check the liquid viscosity, low speed operation by the speed ratio of flow If there is traffic, the flow of less than the high temperature gear pump common Fault phenomenon 2: high temperature gear pump flow failure causes: 1, suction or discharge valve is closed; 2, the inlet pressure is low; 3, the outlet pipeline plugging; 4, Filling box leakage; 5, the speed is too low High-temperature gear pump flow solution: 1, confirm the valve is closed; 2, check the valve is open; 3, to confirm the discharge volume is normal; 4, fastening; , Should stop running, demolition inspection; 5, check the actual shaft speed
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